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Extreme Flight Owners Thread

Nope I just got the standard aluminum mount. I don't think it'll be a big deal to just elongate the holes like quad is saying... No problem with the blind nut ripping thru then quad?



A little "strength testing" of my old 104" extra.


GSN Contributor

A little "strength testing" of my old 104" extra.

Hahaha!!! That's funny stuff right there...

I know EF planes are about the strongest out there but wow!


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Now Bandit if you play too hard with your toys you are going to break them! Funny clip. Turning dollars into laughs.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
So what's the deal with AW beating EF to the 30cc Laser :-(. What's up Chris? Let's go man. I've been giving pulls on the 60" to the "senior" members and a couple are going for it. What's not to like? I tone it way down, give them a pull then demonstrate where it can take them. I end with a nice gliding landing and "sold"! Sells itself really.