I like 'em "BIG"!
Here is a little update everyone. FWIW, **** at wingswestrc is about the nicest guy and totally in jet mode. I sent him the Ultracote colors just a couple of days ago. He said he would need to order in the covering, do the matching formula and then make the paint. Just a couple of days ago mind you. I received an email from **** today...Yes, today! My paint is ready to be shipped. It will go out tomorrow. Now that is beyond lightening speed huh? Every email I have sent him, it is like a matter of minutes and I have a response. I am more than pleased with the service from his company. I can't wait for the paint to get here. Looks like the cowl will be painted by the weekend of the 24th. Not sure I can still get the Pitts out for a maiden on my birthday as hoped. But it is getting so close. Stay tuned for the next and nearly the final step in this build. It should look really purdy.
Photos will be coming soon.
Photos will be coming soon.