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New Pilot for my Carden Pro 124


Dang it. I was looking at mills online yesterday. Now I gotta get one.:)
Go for it. I've learned a lot using this thing. Have butchered up some stuff too :devil-dance:. Still don't know a 10th of what can be done, but have fun finding out.

A little lathe is very handy for modeling as well. picked up a used jeweler's lathe years ago. Turned these canopy bolt bushings out of aluminum. Then thought what the heck, the ignition light needs something too!


The biggest PITA for me was installing pipes in an already built fuse that wasn't set up for pipes! RE3's with 14" headers are LOOOOOOONG!

I opened up some of the fuse bottom for access....but between working thru that and reaching down through the fuse truss structure it was somewhat of a BIOTCH!!!

Anywhoo....after carving away enough foam from the belly pan to get air-gap clearance around the pipe bottoms, I glassed it over for strength.

The forward pipe mounts are the traditional style. Didn't have enough room to do that toward the rear, so worked up wrap-around spring mounts which are captured by CF rods and nest in ply blocks glued to the cross bracing. Hopefully this system works.....guess I'll see when the weather dries up around here. Inside the fuse I installed craft foam over the truss bracing to close off the tunnel.
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