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PAU Owners Thread

Oh...I really do need to get a 3 bladed prop on my Extra! That looks great Dan767!

Have you flown the Extra? We had one decent weekend here in Muncie a couple of weeks ago and I was able to get mine maidened...but weather has turned to crap again so have not flown it since. So sick of this cold and wind...


70cc twin V2
Oh...I really do need to get a 3 bladed prop on my Extra! That looks great Dan767!

Have you flown the Extra? We had one decent weekend here in Muncie a couple of weeks ago and I was able to get mine maidened...but weather has turned to crap again so have not flown it since. So sick of this cold and wind...


I have not flown the Extra yet. I'm not quite done and the rains here have been soaking. making our field soft. I have the 35% PAU with a 3W-110 and 3 blade 26-12N. It flies great!


Finally got to burn some gas today!!! Flew the Extra, only cause I haven't got the Ultimate put back together from it's spring annual yet. Anyway, I finally found what was causing it to always bank to the right when doing hard pulls.......... The hole for the anti rotation pin in the right wing was to big, and the wing could move up to 3 degrees in incidence change.

So set the incidence to match the left wing, put in a 1/4" piece of lite ply with the proper size hole and WHALA!! Now I can do water falls that wrap around like it's on a pole.


2015 1.jpg
2015 2.jpg


It just seems all wrong for someone named Bipeguy to fly a monoplane!!

Seriously, glad you found the problem with the wing incidence.

That is one sharp looking Extra!!


New to GSN!
Here's my 3 Edge 540T's.


Don't wrestle with the pine trees in the background! They will win everytime! Thanks to Herve from PAU I will have a replacement waiting for me at the Nall!



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