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PAU Owners Thread


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I am using the a9 radio. I have never had servo jitter and I have used hitec servos on every plane I have built. If this one was programmable I could probably adjust the dead bandwidth and widen it so it would'nt keep trying to center a springy control setup. Once I hold the rudder with my fingers it stops. This only jitters at the center position and not during deflection.
The Velcro works (fuzzy side).
We also do not recommend a single push-pull servo in the tail: each time you are pushing, it is like trying to unhinge the rudder which is large; the resistance from the hinge is what makes it turn. That requires very strong hinges, and the plastic hinges can easily break.
The recommended push-pull set up is 2 servos, one pushing, one pulling.


In good news...I got my edge ready to fly finally after the move and shop being built.

Bad news is tomorrow may be a crappy day.


Shouldn't be. I put my batts just behind turtle deck with pull pull. If I had push pull they would go on the motorbox


70cc twin V2
The Velcro works (fuzzy side).
We also do not recommend a single push-pull servo in the tail: each time you are pushing, it is like trying to unhinge the rudder which is large; the resistance from the hinge is what makes it turn. That requires very strong hinges, and the plastic hinges can easily break.
The recommended push-pull set up is 2 servos, one pushing, one pulling.
I would think that regardless, one of those servos is still pushing. The pull pull probably has way less stress.
I would think that regardless, one of those servos is still pushing. The pull pull probably has way less stress.
You would be correct that one servo is still pushing but properl set up the other is pulling thus not putting all the pushing load on a single point, the hinge.