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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


640cc Uber Pimp
I forgot to put the tele reading in the above post. Temps were the same as before or nearly at 160° and 140°F, rpm max was around 4550, airspeed was 74pmh at the rpm of 4550. Today's prop was the JC Super prop 33x14, pull felt the same but the engine definitely like it better and the sound was much better with it also. I did have to put a new tailwheel and fork on it this afternoon, the original one broke off and rolled into the green grass of nowhere. I never had a piece of piano wire break that clean before, but, replaced it with a Robart fork I had in the drawer.


640cc Uber Pimp
Here is a video of todays outing. There was good winds and out of the S/SW of which I really don't like flying in. But with this big of a bird I figured it could handle it, and handle it it did. The first approach for landing was a bit to fast so I went around, when I throttled back up to around half throttle the engine was telling me it needed a better tune on the bottom end of which I will get to. This time around the approach was better, the cross wind was creating quite a crabbing approach, but when close enough I straightened it out and put it down on the mains. The tail wheel is still sloshy and after hashing it over with some guys at the field I have an idea on the fix, more on that later.
Another good flight in the books!



640cc Uber Pimp
46 hours on Interstate, five days in gods land of no where Texas but on Friday I finally got to meet Jacquie at a pilot meet and greet. Jacquie, the wife, and myself sat around a table and talked airplanes for a couple hours. Then Saturday the wife and I watched the airshow called Thunder over Cedar Creek. Sunday morning we went out to Athens Jet for a photo shoot with Jacquie. I was also supposed to let her buddy box it but in prepping I noticed the wing to cabane mount was giving or something so no flight. But the wife took many photos, we had a couple more hours of great conversation with Jacquie. There were four Texans leaving for home, they had to stop and give it a thumbs up. Here are a few photos of the day.


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HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
He @acerc,

Even though the result of your building endeavor turned out to be a work of art, I bet the short time you visited with Jacquie more than made up for all the trials and tribulations of building your Pitts. . . . . . . . :yesss:


I've heard this saying before, in a couple of different forms, but it goes something like...

The airplanes may be the excuse for bringing good people together, but the friendships keep them coming back.

Certainly sounds like the case here!


640cc Uber Pimp
I've heard this saying before, in a couple of different forms, but it goes something like...

The airplanes may be the excuse for bringing good people together, but the friendships keep them coming back.

Certainly sounds like the case here!
Hi @WMcNabb,
That would mean each year during Sun n Fun Jacquie could come and fly, that would definitely be welcomed.