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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


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I don't like 21st Century, to stiff and inflexible. I like the unpainted Solartex when not using Poly-lite. I make my own fiberglass sheets, sometimes I use G10 such as this bulldog of which I get from http://www.franktiano.com/index.htm. On my Pitts I used aluminum such as roof flashing rolls.


640cc Uber Pimp
Everything is ready for clear coat, can anyone guess what I will be doing in the morning.....


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640cc Uber Pimp
After a day of rain yesterday and through the night, it is to humid to spray this morning. Looking like it may be tomorrow.


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The cool front that brought the rain finally pushed through, I guess, I noticed it was cooler and less humid. Soooooooo, the first (mist) coat is on, second and final coat coming shortly.


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