I like 'em "BIG"!
Does it ever bother your conscience that you are passing off a "BRAND NEW" plane as a "REPAIRED" plane? HMMMM?????It's a new year and a new plane....well, sorta new! Wings are repaired (just some slight damage)....slid them on the tube and checked incidences. Some minor adjustments to the holes in the fuse and both were dead on at zero.
CG with empty tank is just slightly tail heavy, but this plane is very forgiving so the re-maiden won't be any problem. Batts are in the motorbox right now....we'll see how she flies before making any moves with them. A few minor details to work on and with the bitter cold moving in this week, looks like I'll have plenty of time to attend to those before flying her.
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Seriously Earle, that ole' girl looks as good as new. Hard to imagine she was almost "firewood" (sacrifice to the plane gods). Can't wait to hear how she re-maidens. Good luck....