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3D Shop Construction


I hope you all learn from my mistakes!

So I called the County and I guess there was like 3 inspections I was supposed to have done already. I thought my builders/electricians would schedule these. Framing, Electric, Trenching, final electric/bldg.

I have an inspector coming tomorrow for the Trenching and anything else I can convince him to do. My electrician is sending in his info today (so he says) but he has to also pay for it to be official. I am going to talk with the inspector about what I need to do to finalize everything as soon as I can and what my steps are if for some reason the electrician never registers with the County (just in case).

I'm going tonight to get some logs from HD to start framing in the gravel around the bldg. I don't need a permit for that!


Yeah working construction before all the different inspections can get a bit crazy. I plan to build a shed this summer but I have already looked into things around my way and I can put a building up that is 150 sq ft or less without a permit. Shed will be 10'x15'.;)


Estimate last night for insulation...closed cell, 3 in deep, $6k+. On to the next company.
I wish at this point we were closer to one another, I have a friend that does this line of work (lives in KC) and I would be curious to see what his quote would be? I would refer you to him, but that is a bit of a drive.:cryin:


Inspection day! My electrician ponied up and got registered but I failed. Building passed, Electrical passed......trench depth failed. They way the guy measured was crap. He measured from the top of the wire to the top of the hole. The wire was just laid in so it was still bumpy from being coiled so there were high spots. I mentioned this and the then said your hole depth is 24 but when the wire is on the ground it would be at 23 from the top. So you would still be failing. So now I go tonight to get conduit because that only has to be 18 inches from the top of the pipe. Cheaper and easier than re digging or getting the trencher again! He also said I could bury the conduit as long as I take pictures to show its runs the whole length and leave open a few spots to show its at 18 inches.

So frustrating......but I'm close.