I will probably be in on that project! I just won't be able to start it until after an upcoming deployment. I will be expecting to see a build thread or 4 to give me a little bit of reading while I am gone. That will give me even more motivation to join in![]()
Here ya go Bart. This should peak your interest in a Duckneedless to say, i vote
thanks @Bipeguy03 for the info. Is the 35% a true 100cc or is it really 110 or 120? I'd think 75" is actually pretty good at 100cc, no? does anyone cut a kit for it? i've been considering a major plans/kit build for a while now, specifically a Pancoast 96" Grumman Duck but I'm afraid if I start it I'll never finish it. precisioncutkits.com does a short and full kit for it.
a nice S1-11 would be nice too but an entirely different vibe!
The knees are like jelly but it's done!!! All I can say is WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!
I can't believe I didn't put a 120 on it to begin with. Final weight is 34.5 lbs, and at that weight it jumped in the air and was climbing like a home sick angel. Very scale like power, the Falcon 29x9W is perfect, even makes a little noise too!! (I'm not an IMAC guy so I like noise)
Just need to do a little bit of tweaking on the rig, but with the smaller engine this thing is going to be a BLAST!!
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