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The I'm NOT going out flying thread.


70cc twin V2
Hit the 5" mark on the rain gauge today. I will have to say things are quite soggy out. Not really good flying weather out LOL


640cc Uber Pimp
We do not have 5 inches but close and it is still raining to day and tomorrow. This will make us wait at least a week before we can even think of going to the field again.

Rusty 73

Sorry guys sunny 9c today and 14c tomorrow 44f/55f . Got to go and mix some fuel and see if the engine runs !!


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Well I was gearing up to go flying tomorrow but I had to get a new tire throw on my motorcycle and the dealer only has a 10am appointment open.... o_O

I would go fly earlier but the fog is so thick at that time that I wouldn't be able to see anything and later in the day I've got other stuff that needs being done, sometimes you just can't have it all :confused::p