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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


Damn I'm hungry
What have I done??? NADA.....ZIP.....ZILCH.....NUTTIN.....ZERO....SHAME on me.

Ever get in one of those slumps??? Just close the door and wait for cob webs to form??? Oh My! I think I may be coming down with FOG! :steamer:


70cc twin V2
Nope!!! I may not work on RC stuff, but I'm always working on something. The result is 10 unfinished projects for every one that gets completed, but that just means there is always something to do!

I actually just started building my first kit plane in 5 years last week and it feels wonderful. It's almost ready for covering, but I need to wait to order my DLE 20 and finish cutting out the nose before I cover the fuselage. I'll probably start on the wing tonight after work though!


640cc Uber Pimp
Last night and tonight I built an instrument panel using a Jtec kit for my scratch build project. It worked out pretty well.


Put the B&E stickers on my GeeBee! Now if only I could get the engine to run...


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640cc Uber Pimp
So, what do you do at your body shop at 4 pm on a Friday before a holiday weekend when all your work is done and your bored? Make some rediculously heavy wheel chocks to screw to the plywood in your truck for hauling airplanes that's what.


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