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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


70cc twin V2
Ha, the OS- FP !! I remember those!! I just dug out an old OS-46 FX & put it on an older Towers trainer for a young 12 yr'. old boy I'm teaching to fly !! Lots of fun as on his 2nd. & 3rd. flight he was going around on his own real good. Won't be long & he will be taking off & landing, I just hope I can save it when he lands for the 1st. time, ha !! I guess I forgot how much fun the glow is, but I still hate getting it on my hands cause it seems to stay on your hands for all day !!
Thanks, John !


Staff member
Got the aileron servos mounted and the linkage hooked up in my Great Planes Fling DLG tonight. That was after I vacuumed up about two thousand spiders in my shop that I killed off last night night with a couple bug bombs. :p


Got the aileron servos mounted and the linkage hooked up in my Great Planes Fling DLG tonight. That was after I vacuumed up about two thousand spiders in my shop that I killed off last night night with a couple bug bombs. :p

My shop has tons of tiny spiders also. Can't seem to rid them