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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


I set the pau sukhoi I won here on GSN last year back on the bench yesterday. Got all the holes cut in covering that I needed to and then got the rudder servo installed. Had to open the hole up a bit for it and looks like I will have to do the same for the elevator and aileron servos. Getting savox 1230's on the elevators, savox 1231's on the ailerons, a power HD LF-20 on the rudder and throttle. I have been running the power HD servos in a 20cc profile for a while with absolutely no problems. Gears are still tight with no slop, center great, only down side is they are a little slow. Once I get more funds I will replace them with something a little nicer.


Got the 1/3WM cub all fixes and flown. Only 3 issues after a move and long storage.

Covering edges came undone. Just ironed em down....it's China Kote

Batts voltage was very low almost to point I thought ruined. They were unplugged but in the plane. Took then out to cycle and all was good with charging 1amp. 6600 mah 7.4v lions For weight.

Smoke pump didn't work. I was going to swap it out but decided to pop the case off first. 2 ESC wires correded off. Simple fix and it ran flawless.


70cc twin V2
Well I got started on covering my Viper today! Got the all the white on the fuselage and started on the green. It gets exciting when the covering goes on, cause that means its nearing the finish line!!!


  • 2016-08-02 20.21.53.jpg
    2016-08-02 20.21.53.jpg
    447.4 KB · Views: 340
  • 2016-08-02 22.08.11.jpg
    2016-08-02 22.08.11.jpg
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GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Well now I have something to do in the shop tonight. Figure out how I'm going to mount this BEAST!! :D:D:D:cool:


The almighty ZDZ180. This thing is a BEAST!! It's my first big boy powerplant, I am so stoked right now. Huge HUGE thank you to Joe and Nicole at ZDZ USA for their help and solidifying my decision in a ZDZ180 purchase!!!! I am a VERY happy camper right now :banana-dance:
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640cc Uber Pimp
Well I got started on covering my Viper today! Got the all the white on the fuselage and started on the green. It gets exciting when the covering goes on, cause that means its nearing the finish line!!!

Looking good Ericrs you ahead of me again. Doing to much flying and general maintenance and I cannot get the will power to work on it during the summer will have to get back at it this fall.



So I was piddling with the sukhoi and saw my second fuel tank sitting up on the shelf. It got me thinking about adding smoke to it. I have the tank, the pump, and all the lines needed to do it. Figure I will go ahead and set the plane up first without it and see where we come in wieght wise and go from there. Looks as though the smoke setup I have will add around 11 oz to the airframe.

Question for all. I found a nice polished aluminum spinner a while back and picked it up. Should I leave it polished aluminum of sand it down and shoot some white paint on it to match the way the full scale was.