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What beer ya drinking tonight?


Went to Boudreau's for some crawdad's and man they were good and real spicy. The only beer they had available that I like other than Guinness was Sam Adams. Took me a while to eat all of them but it was well worth the effort.


Hahaha, actually its a teenage mutant ninja chicken lol. It is a wing place kinda like Bdubs.

Okay I see it now...they need to make his beak another color.. LOL We are inundated with wing places here in Arkansas. On the annual flights I use to make to Chicago coming back I always knew when we were flying over Arkansas....you started seeing chicken houses everywhere...


Staff member
Had a house full of people today for my daughters bridal shower. It was my job to keep the men folk entertained while the ladies partied. So we all hung out in the hangar and drank beer all day. I can't even remember all the different ones I had today. I know my first one was a MILF. I kinda lost track after that. :cheers:


@pawnshopmike ...Congratulations on your upcoming daughter's wedding... Hopefully your new son-in-law is a beer drinker and if he's not... well you'll have plenty of time to convert him...LOL I know my father-in-law didn't like me at first but over the years he decided I wasn't that bad after all... I remember the first time we got drunk together the next morning my mother-in- law told me if you ever got him drunk like that again I was going to sleep with him...needless to say I was on her **** list for a while...

Damn Mike I got to find that MILF or make a trip to Missouri....is it sold state wide or a local brewery? Brother you got me intrigued...:tickled_pink:


Staff member
Lol. Great story Mike!

Thanks bro. And yes he's a good kid that enjoys a good cold one now and then. He likes the good stuff like Coffee Stouts and Oatmeal Stouts.

Mothers Brewing is in Springfield MO. That's not too far from Arkansas so you might be able to locate is somewhere.


Staff member
Tonight we have something special. For me, this was the beer that started it all. About 15 years ago I was getting really bored of the regular old beers. When AmberBock started tasting like water I went searching for something more flavorful. And this is what I found.

Gulden Draak!

Bought my first bottle on a whim and it turned out to be just what I was looking for. Very thick and rich. Yet sweet and smooth all at the same time. And at 10.5% it's illegal in some states!:big-grin:

Hard to believe that was well over a decade ago. To this day it still holds a special place in my heart.
