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What beer ya drinking tonight?


Well went shopping and came up empty handed again....I guess our liquor stores are too conservative and only stock main brands or best sellers...sad but true. Well Branson is just around the corner... found this Pale Ale and I must admit it's pretty good...doesn't label the alcohol content but I'd say it's not that high.


Staff member
Tonight I have another very good Belgian beer. St. Bernardus Abbey Ale. It's only 10% so maybe you Ohio boys can find it up there. It's not quite as good as the Gulden Draak or the Piraat I had the last two nights. But still better than 90% of the beers on the market.


When to TGI Fridays after my granddaughters play and looked at the menu and no Guinness listed..when the waitress showed up I said "what the hell kinda place is this... no Guinness?" She said sorry sir but we have it in a bottle....turns out it's extra stout and I knocked down 4 before we got out of there...the next best thing would have been SA Rebel IPA on draft. You would think a world renowned brew like Guinness would be offered in a chain like TGIF... go figure.


Staff member
@Mikeq , That is my #1 gripe when I go out to eat in this country. I can't tell you how many times I've ordered water because I couldn't find any good beer on the menu. :cryin:
But I'll gladly drink free water before I overpay for a crap beer that taste like water anyway!


When to TGI Fridays after my granddaughters play and looked at the menu and no Guinness listed..when the waitress showed up I said "what the hell kinda place is this... no Guinness?" She said sorry sir but we have it in a bottle....turns out it's extra stout and I knocked down 4 before we got out of there...the next best thing would have been SA Rebel IPA on draft. You would think a world renowned brew like Guinness would be offered in a chain like TGIF... go figure.

Come live in Ohio, where you are surrounded by fake wanna be rednecks that think Bud Light is beer..... It's Panther Pi*s!! lol
You pretty much need to go to a sports bar & grille to find anything other than Budcrapper..

Anyway, BDubs is always good to have a few!! I did for lunch today!
