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Pilot RC 107" Extra 330SC


640cc Uber Pimp
My fuel can is from Jersey Modeler and I've had it since 2006. It has a filter on the line from the can and then I have another filter from the tank to the carb (3 line system).

I stopped running filters in my planes years ago, they seem to leak and have extremely small filter area so not much better than the screen in the carb. I've seen more than one that caused flow issues and or air leaks as well so gone with them. The jersey modeler filter is a good start, but again smaller area, I have the same kit but installed one of these (see pic). You will have to put Viton on the outside of the fuel jug to expand over the ends of it because they are much larger. With Viton it's just one more thing to never have to replace. (Plus if you are going to be running Ethanol you will need Viton inside and out of your plane fuel system anyway.)

I've run over 200 gallons through the filter and still no chit in the carby's:way_to_go:


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Joe Hunt

My eyes are really getting bad and I just can't see a blue plane anymore... and I really can't see an all dark blue bottom'd plane. So for now the bottom of the wings are all white. I might add some red invasion stripes or something later.

I'm also finding that I see red much easier than I see blue. So even on top of the wings I pulled off the blue in favor of red. I'm trying to decide if I should keep that one blue piece on the root?


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Joe Hunt

I read about hinging with Titebond online, I was going to try it but I got ol' @Tavis to try it for me (I'm smart like that, like Tom Sawyer. haha). He tried it and ended up yank'n all the hinges out before the glue set and throwing them in the dumpster. He used Gorilla Glue fastset and loved it.

I've glued hinges in dozens and dozens of planes... always ZAP epoxy, always easy, always BOMB PROOF. So, I guess if it ain't broke. haha

I like to glue one side and let it cure, then glue it in the other side. I like to use a straight edge when I'm gluing them in to make sure they hinge pins are lined up straight as string.

I was hoping I'd only have to do one wing for now... but the other wing hinges are broken out too... after only 34 flights. Very time consuming re-hinging. Gonna have to re-setup the geometry and re-program, too.


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Joe Hunt

Ripped the covering off... the last wing took several days.


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640cc Uber Pimp
I read about hinging with Titebond online, I was going to try it but I got ol' @Tavis to try it for me (I'm smart like that, like Tom Sawyer. haha). He tried it and ended up yank'n all the hinges out before the glue set and throwing them in the dumpster.

NOOOOO NEVER TITEBOND!!! Dries hard and get's brittle, does not fill gaps at all and is water based so does not stick to plastic.

Fast poly glue works but is horrible if you have smoke, need to gap seal top and bottom right over the hinges or the smoke raises hell with the poly glue. No replacement for good 'ol epoxy or epoxy resin mixed with some micro balloons.