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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


OK, the A-10 is really high on my list too.

When I served in the Swedish navy, we would frequently be subjected to simulated attacks by sea-skimming or diving Viggens doing simulated missile air-to-surface missile launches. Of course, they loved to show off and do close fly-overs while goosing the throttle...

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Just Do It
First time we every did a JAT exercise calling in an A10 attack we had the doors off and we were in a 50' hover. They called "Splash" ( 20 seconds out) and I looked down range to see the carnage. When the cannon went off I thought we lost a gear box or something. After it set in what it was I looked over and two things I remember to this day. The large amount of fire coming out of the front and the steady stream of spent brass falling out of the belly. It looked like a large stream of water. 4,000+ rounds/min makes for some flow of brass. Looking down range was even more impressive. Would not want to be on the receiving end.
Just as impressive was their rate of turn to get back around on the target again.


My club has there annual electric fly today and tomorrow. I was there today with my 3DHS planes!:D I did a "noontime" demo with my 71" slick and everyone loved it!


GSN Contributor
My club has there annual electric fly today and tomorrow. I was there today with my 3DHS planes!:D I did a "noontime" demo with my 71" slick and everyone loved it!

That's great Z! Hopefully you can bring the fun of 3D flying to others.


Well I maidened my new 3DHS 87" Extra 300 SHP. I did not have to touch my trims at all. IT was perfect. Since my dad was so mad about my previous 87" he strictly made this plane my IMAC/sport flying plane. Luckily I will have my red one back sometime in July and will probably fly it before August. That one will be my 3D 87". That is until, the new yak comes out.


Really awesome weekend of flying! Zach and I flew again this weekend together. I think this is the first weekend this season that I did not either hurt or wreck something! I am so glad about it because I was getting really frustrated with myself. I am loving my 58" Edge more and more each flight as well. The thing does parachutes like you would not believe. The harriers are so awesome and I was doing laps of rudder drags.


70cc twin V2
Look what I got in the mail today. I think I need to place an order with twisted hobbies now. :D


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