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3dhs 92" edge 540 !!!


70cc twin V2
Awesome! That is how I was expecting to see it. Only question is on the top of the rudder is the wire bent at a 90 degree then recessed in the top of the rudder or bent 90 then another 90 with the point of the wire going down into the top of the rudder? One other question...are you the one running the new DLE-61 in your 92" Edge? If so how do you like the engine? I'm kind of between a DA60 and DLE61 for my next 30% build. Thanks!

The wire is already pre bent at 90 degree. There is only 1 bend in the wire at the top. Then it slides down the hole at the top of the rudder, then sets down nicely in the pre cut grove. I'm running the new DLE 61 and I am very impressed thus far. Unfortunately the weather here has not let me fly it again since the maiden day. I have 6 flights and the power right out of the box is equal to the da60. It idles quiter and smoother than the da60. I believe the weight comparisons are nearly the same between the two. The bolting pattern is totally different and off course the price between the two are miles apart.


70cc twin V2
DA-60 and DLE-61 mounting pattern

DA-60-dims_01.jpg dle61-3.jpg


Yowzilla...choke rod looks cool. In that 1st pic I did notice something worth asking... Is seems that the spark plug wire passed through a hole on the cowl....this can rub/cut into the wire very quick if not protected...what have you done to keep it from rubbing?

Thanks for the reminder. I intended to do this earlier. Here is what I did with a split piece of fuel line and "Amazing goop" glue that some call shoe glue.IMG_4412.jpgIMG_4413.jpg


Here are some pics of the new vinyl... The sun is suppose to be out tomorrow when I plan to fly and I will take some better shots. A big thanks to the great guy that helped me!!!


Av8r RC

Woot! Got to maiden my 92 Edge yesterday, despite the 20-ish mph winds. All went well except for the tie-rod on one of my seacraft adjustable pull-pull ball links pulling out. Kinda hard to land with a slight, heavy crosswind and missing the rudder direction you need to correct for it. But got her down eventually. Fixed it and flew it another 6 times.

Man I really like this plane. Just like they say it is a good mix of the extra and the slick. I can't wait for a calmer day and try to tune it in a little better and wring it out. And talk about crazy tight KE loops, this thing does a cartwheel. The only thing I've seen do a tighter KE loop is the super honey badger. lol

As pictured below (with no fuel, sfg's or wing tips) she came in a 16 lbs 11 oz.


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GSN Contributor
Awesome, congrats on the maiden! Flew mine today a few times, had a blast.
Finally got around to flying with pants on.


70cc twin V2
Flew mine today too, got in 2 more flight for a total of 5. Not real sure I'm all that happy with it yet. Haven't used the SFG's yet maybe next time.

92 edge.jpeg