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Tri-Cities Huckfest 2015 Sept 10-13 (Richland, Washington)


I will be the CD and handling the parking reservations, you can reach me at:
Please be patient. It will take a few weeks to get our ducks in a row. I will update this thread and our club FB page with any new info.



I'm working on sponsors, food plan, additional parking, etc thus many more details to follow.

Going to be a great event! :banana:

Doug B.

Background from Clark:
I've exchanged emails / txt / msgs with Michael and Jeff. As many of you know or perhaps just finding out Wenatchee RAF has decided NOT to host Huckfest this year. We all enjoy Huckfest and what it has become. We have mad respect for all the work that has gone into making the event what it is. In the spirit of this we would like to keep Huckfest alive, by no means are we trying to hijack the event. I enjoyed having it at Wenatchee as much as the next guy. We aren't looking to compete or be compared to Wenatchee. We will do all we can to make this the most kick ass event we have ever hosted. Most of what makes Huckfest what it is are the people.

There are few places in the northwest that are capable of putting on an event such as this, only two possibly three that I am aware of. Higgins Field (Miniature Aircraft Association) is willing to hold it at our facility. A little about our field if you haven’t had a chance to visit: it’s not the Taj mahal like Wenatchee but it is quite nice. There are two paved runways 45 degrees from each other with the flight lines back to back and people can fly from both at the same time without interference. There is now over 4 acres of grass, restrooms with flushing facilities (wives and girlfriends appreciate) and a shower. We have just purchased 2 spider boxes capable of powering 6 RV’s each and could possibly come up with another one by this event. We plan to have 2 to 3 light towers on site for night flying. There are no neighbors in any direction to give us any grief. You can fly early or late or just try to keep up with SupaTim.

We haven’t figured out what extent we will do for meals but so far we are looking at having tacos catered on Saturday evening since that seemed to be so popular the past couple years. We will most likely have breakfast available each day of the event (eggs, hash browns, sausage, and pancakes). Those who have been here know the food is always top notch.


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PAU is doing their own thing in Florida. Not sure if GSN is interested. Was going to PM you tonight.

Doug B.


I was asked to clarify the situation.

From Islandflyer

The Wenatchee Huckfest, organized by PAU (Jeff Mullen, Ken Huber, Michael Hunt and myself) is not moving, it is defunct, killed by the Red Apple Flyers club who decided to no longer let us host this event at their field.
We are now focusing on starting a new event, closer to home base for both me and PAU, around Central Florida.

This is a NEW EVENT, organized by a DIFFERENT GROUP OF PEOPLE.
The Tri-Cities Huckfest is not the continuation or heir of the our Wenatchee event, but rather is an opportunity a new group of people to start a new event, in a new location, putting their own flavor in it.

We wish you success in this new venue.

As Herve stated this is a different event with different people hosting it. We kept the Huckfest theme because it's familiar and sets the tone for the event.

The Tri-Cities Huckfest promises to be similar but different. Possibly better in ways, hopefully we don't fall short as the Wenatchee Huckfest guys set the standard.

We (myself, Clark & a few club mates) are pulling out all the stops to make the Tri-Cities Huckfest *the* 3D fun event of the season.

I'm working on the parking layout. I'm also creating an e-mail list to update all pilots who have pre-registered.

Doug B.


Tri-Cities Huckfest update:

We're still pulling out all the stops to make the Tri-Cities Huckfest *the* 3D fun event of the season in our area. Mark your calendar for Sept 10-13 and plan on having a great time!

I'm buried with buying a house, moving and farming so not much will happen on the event until late July. I have the parking layout started and will assign folks based on time/date of the original request. More on parking in July after I finish harvest. Please hold off on any additional requests until July.

Please let your friends and enemies know that I'm still alive and will tackle the event after my life slows down a bit. :)

Thanks for your patience.

Doug B.


Tri-Cities Huckfest update:

We're still pulling out all the stops to make the Tri-Cities Huckfest *the* 3D fun event of the season in our area. Mark your calendar for Sept 10-13 and plan on having a great time!

I'm buried with buying a house, moving and farming so not much will happen on the event until late July. I have the parking layout started and will assign folks based on time/date of the original request. More on parking in July after I finish harvest. Please hold off on any additional requests until July.

Please let your friends and enemies know that I'm still alive and will tackle the event after my life slows down a bit. :)

Thanks for your patience.

Doug B.

For all the huckers - if you need something please feel free to contact me. Doug and I will continue to collaborate on the event and the planning. If you are up for a sample of what Huckfest will be this year you're invited to join us at Wings for Wishes now just over 3 weeks away. http://www.3drcforums.com/showthread.php?3482-Wings-for-Wishes-Washington

Same field, same crew, and same bunch of rif raf.

You can also email me for either event at: rcscratchbuilder@gmail.com


Hey all,

Quick update: the weather and other events have conspired to push me into another round of cherry harvest - processor fruit. I hope to be into serious event planning mode by mid-July after I finish moving. Ya, my life is almost complicated. LOL

Doug B.