I am rather embarrassed to return here and discover it has been almost a year since I posted any progress (because I have not really made any)

...not to mention I started this build in 2014...Pathetic!
Anyway, progress is being made and I am very near completing all details and beginning the paint prep process! At this rate I should have her in the air by 2030!
I've completed servo setups for the carb. I've also built custom servo leads for all of the servos and built fiberglass tubes to house/protect the servo wires running to the tail and to the engine bay. Finally, I've built a couple G-10 sheet covers to seal the engine/canister bay from the electronics area of the fuselage. these will be either screwed into place or Velcro'd in so I can pull them off easily for access and maintenance.
There are no pictures but I also installed the pitot tube in the wing for the Jeti telemetry system for airspeed...I plan to set up my stick shakers as a stall warning system using the airspeed telemetry!
I'm waiting for fuel tanks to arrive (I need 2 small ones - plumbed together - in order to get them on the CG and keep them far enough away from the canister) so I can install them and I need to do a weight/balance to see where things stand at this point and to ID a battery starting location, then I think were ready to sand/prime/paint!