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IMAC Double Build, Carden Pro 124" Extra 300 40%

made it back from the last IMAC contest of the year. It was in Kansas, which, was a beautiful drive and a real beautiful club. Wish I could have taken pictures, but my iPhone 6 reached 2 years and stopped working well. I just started to get back on the build.

I cut the rear of the plastic of the canopy..


and I am gluing on the back of the hatch deck with 1/2" balsa.

Rusty 73

Cam where do you get the gauges to build your instrument panel , yours is very details and would like to create one for my Extra 35%.

Which glue are you using to fasten the plastic to the balasa ?
I have to fasten mine to the monokote covering , Thanks
Cam where do you get the gauges to build your instrument panel , yours is very details and would like to create one for my Extra 35%.

Which glue are you using to fasten the plastic to the balasa ?
I have to fasten mine to the monokote covering , Thanks

Hello Rusty, those panels are sold by Carden.


only 55 dollars for the 3 D Instrument panel.

I am using GOOP to fix the plastic canopy to hatch frame. First time using it for this. In the past , I used Canopy Glue, but I find the GOOP works so much better. I am sold on GOOP now. Dean Nistetter told me about it.
Thank you Dean!
3rd place in the contest, and 3rd place in the region finals.
I went to 9 contests, but only flew in 8, that one contest I did not fly in was when I lost the Dalton 300 SP, I will never forget Abilene!


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Rusty 73

Very good results nothing for your efforts , love the regional trophy good mantel piece .

So how many miles in total was it to attend these nine events ..
1. Shreveport to Eldorado, round trip = 192 miles
2. Shreveport to Little Rock, Arkansas = 438 miles
3. Shreveport to jackson, MS = 446 miles
4. Shreveport to Toone, TN = 832 miles
5. Shreveport IMAC contest = 60 miles
6. Shreveport to NewCastle, OK = 760 miles
7. Shreveport to Sherman, Texas = 486 miles
8. Shreveport to Olathe, Kansas = 1094 miles

9. Abilene = 738 miles

total miles traveled to 8 contest (+abilene) = 5046 miles.

gasoline costs = 1035 dollars.

Hotel costs were in the ball park of 2400 dollars.

last but not least, I learned so much, and I had a great time. Well worth it!