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AJ Laser 230z 73" Build Thread


Futaba R6208SB, brand spankin new. Curious if the Tech Aero was emitting feed back causing the brief interruption.
I soldered two leads (Y-Harness with two Rx plugs and on Deans batt plug) to from the battery deans connector to the receiver to share the load, so I don't think it had a bad battery connection. Just sport scale flying, so I don't think electronic overheating would be an issue either.
I could not have added enough foam insulation around the RX or IBEC either... maybe? dunno
Took me a while to gain the confidence to fly it again, then this happened again. I'm going to buy another receiver and send this one in anyways.... but I hate not knowing!!!

Still thinking an intermittent failure on the receiver. So new receiver for sure. Maybe a ferrite ring around the tech aero? Or a new tech aero. Engine was running great even during the lock out, so I doubt it's a battery issue since the tech aero runs off the rx.

There is a thread on FG about Futaba receivers overheating. I no longer wrap my receivers in foam to avoid this issue.


640cc Uber Pimp
Interesting, I'll have to look this up. Thanks @caf2461 been a Futaba guy for 15 years or so. never had a problem. Funny, I was thinking it could have been a vibration issue. I pretty much had the receiver stuck to the fuse with sticky velcro and wraped in velcro, so overheating may not be the issue here. the new receiver has foam underneath it and a zip tie with tygon round it. we shall see
Edit: Did some research and It looks like this was an issue mainly with the earlier multi channel receivers caused mainly by overheating. Also a bad batch to the UK, but didn't effect the US. This was back in 2008, hard pressed to find any definitive information past 2010. Lots of speculation though.
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A guy at the flying field have had problems this year with overheating on the 6014hs. He puts towels over the canopy to keep the sun from shining onto the rx. There are recent posts on this issue but seems to be primarily with the 6014 in high speed mode. There is a guy also posting recently about his r6208sb if you search futaba brown outs. 35 years of flying futaba I too have yet to have an issue.
My guess is it was an electrical issue. When running an IBEC you throw a lot of current through the receiver switch. All I use is the Tech Aero IBEC and never had an issue. I use Futaba heavy duty switches and have not had a problem yet. Most my planes however now have the Booma rc dual hidden fail safe switch with dual batteries.
Good luck with finding a solution.


640cc Uber Pimp
Thanks, I'm not really sure what to think of all of this. I'm also using the TechAero IBEC, I'm not using a switch just a deans connector, one single 2500mAh A123 with two HD rx input servo wires Y'd off to a single deans for the battery connection. I am going to assume this is an intermittent Rx failure/glitch since I have sent the Tx & Rx in and returned with no issues found. . . however the same P/N Rx in a different plane on HS mode has always worked flawless. I have been flying different models without a hiccup. I wish I had a plane that I didn't care about I could use in HS mode with the possible faulty Rx to somehow confirm this intermittent failure. All this makes me interested in getting a Jeti system... redundancy is ridiculous in that thing...


The switch I was referring to is your receiver switch. Because all power for ignition, receiver and servos goes from the battery through the receiver switch this puts a good load on the switch. You want to use a good quality HD switch only.
Hope this helps.


70cc twin V2
Thanks to all you guys putting this thread together, it was a great resource. I was less than impressed with the carb setup on the DA. But got through it and I should have good resolution on the throttle. I extended the throttle arm and had to give some height to the choke arm. It got tight in there. Hopefully on the fourth I can get the maiden done.


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640cc Uber Pimp
I've been scared :frown: to fly my 73" AJ Laser ever since my two or three 2-3 sec "brown outs"... even though the engine kept running smoothly with no response (kind of nightmare really) - I put that receiver in a cub and it worked fine for multiple flights - so I have a new Rx in the bird but not confident that was the issue. So I am going to update the battery setup with something else and replace the Tech Aero. Sounds silly I know to go to the battery system since the engine was running fine when I had no control (maybe there is enough stored capacitance in the TechAero to let it run for few seconds??), only doing engine break in flights, happened in close proximity and at least 2min after airborne, curious if there is some ignition RMI or a faulty servo overloading the system somehow... dunno, but as intermittent as it is I don't want to risk loosing the plane or worse. So frustrating :mad: looking at that beauty hanging up in the garage... thinking WHY!!!?? Got to figure this out. :confused: