I like 'em "BIG"!
Another absolutely amazingly gorgeous day here in Idaho. We sometimes get a nice day in January. But not two perfect flying days back to back.
The weather today out classes yesterday in many ways. More even temp and breeze dropped to nearly nothing. So nice in fact, I took off my jacket as it got too warm.
The Edge performed simply perfect. No other description could suffice. That 106cs is definately a tough act to follow. Twisting the same Falcon 29x9 as my son's DLE 120. And literally rips the snot out of it. Of course I had to do a couple of full speed knife edge passes and toss in a double snap along the way. Love it when it will snap so fast the rotation stops with the opposite wing up. Then you continue and do another snap the other way and the rotation brings the original wing back to top. Talk about ridiculous wild.
Shayne's 330 performed so sweetly too. Dang, we definately took advantage this weekend. Daddy been needing a little flight time sumthun fearce.
Ah but it's back to the real world and reality tomorrow. Ugh! Lol.

The weather today out classes yesterday in many ways. More even temp and breeze dropped to nearly nothing. So nice in fact, I took off my jacket as it got too warm.
The Edge performed simply perfect. No other description could suffice. That 106cs is definately a tough act to follow. Twisting the same Falcon 29x9 as my son's DLE 120. And literally rips the snot out of it. Of course I had to do a couple of full speed knife edge passes and toss in a double snap along the way. Love it when it will snap so fast the rotation stops with the opposite wing up. Then you continue and do another snap the other way and the rotation brings the original wing back to top. Talk about ridiculous wild.

Shayne's 330 performed so sweetly too. Dang, we definately took advantage this weekend. Daddy been needing a little flight time sumthun fearce.

Ah but it's back to the real world and reality tomorrow. Ugh! Lol.