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Scale RCM 1/3 Scale Champ Build


Cut out the former for the cowl and glassed it in with epoxy and 6 oz. bias cut cloth. Boy how things have changed, the plans show the former being 1/2" thick with a 3/4" firewall behind it. The former used was 3/32" thick. The cowl shape was quite a bit different from the former on the plans, it was sitting on the shelf for 2 or 3 years, maybe gravity got to it. it is pushed into shape now.
Haven't decided how the cowl will be held on yet.


I always wanted one since seeing it on the cover of RCM in 1991. I like odd stuff, off the beaten path. When you go to a fly in, there is a very good chance you will see a cub, heck two years ago we had 6 Cubs in the air at one time during our Summer Solstice fly in. There were no Champs to be found however, I want to change that. I don't expect the Champ will be ready for June 26.


  • Aeronca_7-AC_Champion_oz6010_article.pdf
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GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I'm finding thoughts of my next build to be primarily civilian aircraft. Tony, you are mostly civilian aircraft builder?


Yes that's all I do, civilian. Cherokee 140, Balsa USA Super Cub, Bob Godfrey One Design, Frank Knoll One Design, Frank Knoll 37% Christan Eagle, Cessna Float Plane, Byron Glasair. Planes on deck, Great Planes Piper Tomahawk, Sig Mossey Bravo, S3 Decathlon (Another Oldie). As you can see I like the old stuff.