HRRC Flyer
GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Well Gents,
Like I said in my post above, I have been very busy with work so I've had little free time to work on the Laser. While I was taking Bart's receiver out of the plane, I had a few extra minutes so I went ahead and removed the DLE and the cowl to do some measuring. As it turns out, I will not be able to use either of my 3W's on the plane. Those of you who are familiar with 3W engines can probably already guess why not. For those that are not familiar with 3W's, the problem is with the rear intake. More specifically, the size of the reed block between the carburetor and the engine. Even with a hole in the fire wall, he thicker reed block puts the HS & LS needles right where the firewall is so it will be next to impossible to adjust the needles, especially in the Laser with the cowl on. So, I have a couple of options. First of which is buy a DA-70 that has the carburetor on the bottom of the engine or convince @stangflyer to sell me one of his older 3w-70's. . . . .
. Of course I'd probably have better luck sand papering a wild mountain lion's ass. . . . . . .
. So a DA will be ordered shortly and by the time it gets here, I should be done with the rush projects at work so I can get it on the plane. That's all for this update, Fella's. I'm ready to hit the sack.. . .
Like I said in my post above, I have been very busy with work so I've had little free time to work on the Laser. While I was taking Bart's receiver out of the plane, I had a few extra minutes so I went ahead and removed the DLE and the cowl to do some measuring. As it turns out, I will not be able to use either of my 3W's on the plane. Those of you who are familiar with 3W engines can probably already guess why not. For those that are not familiar with 3W's, the problem is with the rear intake. More specifically, the size of the reed block between the carburetor and the engine. Even with a hole in the fire wall, he thicker reed block puts the HS & LS needles right where the firewall is so it will be next to impossible to adjust the needles, especially in the Laser with the cowl on. So, I have a couple of options. First of which is buy a DA-70 that has the carburetor on the bottom of the engine or convince @stangflyer to sell me one of his older 3w-70's. . . . .