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3D Big Ailerons


Damn I'm hungry
@Spats Glad the flight ended in a safe landing. You think a voltage drop caused the lock out??? I'm thinking six stalled servos and when you add the 4th then 8 stalled servos!. If it where me I would be thinking of doing separate batteries just to power the ailerons alone.


Lol it was hard on the nerves to say the least. I feel extremely lucky. I'm not sure what happened but I don't think the receiver could handle it. I have the same set up on dozens of planes but with the old 6014 receivers.


Sooooo I have switched receivers and added a 4th servo to the wings. This is the provision Tony made for a 4th servo. What do you think? It's the inside servo. I think it might have been better spread out in the wing. I will find out tomorrow :dancing-chicken:


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Sooooo I have switched receivers and added a 4th servo to the wings. This is the provision Tony made for a 4th servo. What do you think? It's the inside servo. I think it might have been better spread out in the wing. I will find out tomorrow :dancing-chicken:
That's the way the big Krill Extra is set up. But the composite ailerons are very stiff.....just say'n.


I got several flights on it today. With the old Futaba 6014 receiver I had NO problems. The ZDZ is a power house. I am really liking the power and smooth transition, even with it still running rich. These ailerons have SO much authority! Does whatever you want to:fist_pump:

@Express has some video I hope he post up here soon of the pull out in a hover. It's like a foamy!

I will get a full flight video when the sun comes out. It was so overcast today the video was terrible so not even worth trying.

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Damn I'm hungry
@Spats I too run 6014HS's and have never had an issue. Never had an issue with the original 6014FS.

I have a friend who had a nice plane go in from a suspected 7008 s-bus so the 3 I have are still on the shelf for the time being. If you get a report on that 7018 please let us know. Mucho appreciatto hombre.
Great to hear that the "BIG AILERONS" work!
@Spats I too run 6014HS's and have never had an issue. Never had an issue with the original 6014FS.

I have a friend who had a nice plane go in from a suspected 7008 s-bus so the 3 I have are still on the shelf for the time being. If you get a report on that 7018 please let us know. Mucho appreciatto hombre.
Great to hear that the "BIG AILERONS" work!
I might be interested in the 7008 recievers if you want to sell them