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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


Got my vert stabs glued in and their lights connected to the controller. Does anyone know if the red tail light is steady or pulsing on the full-scale f-15? I looked at as many vids as I could but cant tell. The last lights to do are the landing lights! The rudder and aileron hinges are glued, just have to glue the elevators and finish covering scheme.


Staff member


Staff member
Luckily at the last minute I had a moment of clairvoyance and decided I better check for ribs and stringers. Good thing I did! There is a stringer running right along that black trim stripe.

So I started out cutting a small inspection hole.


I only had to shift the servo location upwards about 1/16th of an inch to clear the stringer.


That's as far as I got this morning before I had to head to work.
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