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Fuel proof sealant

Can anyone recommend a fuel proof sealant that I can use to reseal the cap on a Fortitude tank once I have opened it up and replaced the cap?


640cc Uber Pimp
Seal All works but like any other like it, it is "fuel resistant", it will still dissolve in fuel so you need to make sure you don't get any in direct contact with the gas or it dissolves and makes a mess out of the little passages in your carby.


Team WTFO (Watch The Fun Occur)
Correct, just make sure the sealant is on the threads only and does not get inside the tank. I've had those tanks make too many messes in my planes so I finally gave up on them altogether.

if anyone cares i am testing yamabond on a fortutude tank. we will see...


70cc twin V2
I've used seal all and only put it around the bottom thread. Seams to work okay. Just like using teflon for pipe fittings, you don't want to go above the top thread or it ends up in your system.
Good tips guys. @Terryscustom, what type of tanks have you fallen back to - Dubro style or something else?

While we are on the subject, does anyone put a brass tube inside the clunk line on larger tanks (32oz +) to stop the line doubling back on itself?