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70cc FLEX Ultimate assembly thread.


640cc Uber Pimp
Yes but isn't the transmitter still broadcasting the multiplexed string of channels over some time frame? On some radios one can select a shorter time frame when using less channels. Or is JR doing something different? With OpenTX I will assign the ailerons to channels 1 & 2, elevators to 3 & 4, etc. To be honest the planes I'm flying and the rates I use 10 ms would not make a difference on any control, heck I have 1 second slow on the throttle opening to eliminate hesitation..
Ok let me try to explain when the radio is in XBuss mode A and the servos are programmed and are programmed for XBuss of which you can program up to 4 servos on one channel. So if you have say 2 on the left wing and 2 in the right wing, so when the radio sends a command out on the aileron channel it goes out as one command but all four servos respond to that one command. That is how it works and why it is so quick and all servos get the same signal at the exact same time. This you can do with multiple servos on the rudder and elevators as well.
This hole XBuss only shows its advantage when using multiple servos on one channel, if you install one servo on every channel it is no different than any other radio. The radio will then have the usual 10us delay as it cycles through its protocols. Just flying with a single servo on each channel there is no difference or advantage. Hope this makes sense. I trying.


It makes sense and I do understand and that is why I line up the same control functions on adjacent channels where there is less than 1 ms of separation. The Futaba 9C radio I had had very noticeable separation when using the 2-6 mix for the elevators. Really couldn't detect it on the ailerons since the ailerons are far apart. I read the time frame was over 30 ms for the 9C.


640cc Uber Pimp
The header pipe is now in just have align everything and get the canister fitted and installed.


640cc Uber Pimp
After making several cardboard mockups I managed to get the shape correct and fit the oval shape on the bottom of the fuselage. Now I have to make second air deflector ahead of the air scope showing. Have to do all this to get the hot air from the canister out of the fuselage.


640cc Uber Pimp
Struggling with the front air duct just not enough space to work and get my hands in to glue and get it right. Just wish that we had a person in our flying club that had a 3 D printer, could give him the drawing and get it printed. Then it can be installed relatively Easy.


It works same as the TechAero but nicer features, dip switches rather than the jumpers, LED plugs in, it's mounted in a plastic case, and it can increase the voltage. Have telemetry on the ignition supply voltage and stays ay 8 volts throughout the day.


640cc Uber Pimp
It works same as the TechAero but nicer features, dip switches rather than the jumpers, LED plugs in, it's mounted in a plastic case, and it can increase the voltage. Have telemetry on the ignition supply voltage and stays ay 8 volts throughout the day.
Thanks looks like they took it one step further, nice to see stuff improved on. I have ordered one for the Ultimate.


640cc Uber Pimp
Long day. Drilled the spinner and the propeller. Got the cowl fitted with a little sanding and moving things around. Drilled holes so that I can tune the engine with the cowl on and also drilled a hole and setup the choke. A lot of small things but it took the hole day.



640cc Uber Pimp
Struggling with the front air duct just not enough space to work and get my hands in to glue and get it right. Just wish that we had a person in our flying club that had a 3 D printer, could give him the drawing and get it printed. Then it can be installed relatively Easy.
I'd put a 1/4-1/2" bump in the aft air exit. You could just cover a little piece of ply and glue it to the front former there. Maybe some tri-stock if you want to get fancy.

I'd be happy to draft something in CAD for you, shipping and item to Canada might be tricky.