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    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Tail wheel is on and I started working on the sheeting for the stabs. I’m using Titebond II for this, same as the one I built. First I had to cut the sheets in half, it takes eight 24 inch long sheets to make pieces for the stabs.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    This is Oso, he is making sure I’m doing things right.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Thats the battery for the motor, no fuel tanks. ;)

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    So far I have about 80 hours of building time since I got the kit 34 days ago. I have the tail wheel to install tonight and I may start gluing sheets together for the skins. I’m planning on going to Joe NAll next week, from Wednesday till Saturday (POOR ME RIGHT?) so I will lose some building...

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Well this was a Golf weekend for me so I only worked on it a little, I got the tail wheel plate glued in place, sanded the tube socket flush with the fuse and I marked the landing gear. I will be using 10/32 bolts with lock nuts. The plan calls for 8/32 taped on the hard wood but I do not trust...

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Thank you guys, Jason, I'm using thing CA Mercury. I used it on the 118. I flew that plane for two full seasons in Advance and lots of practice, I never had an issue with the frame. The key is to make you sure you have a good snug fit, thin ca works great. At the Worlds, you mention you were...

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Don’t have a bunch of time to give details, but here is what I got done so far, all formers are glued in place, got top and bottom cross brasses done and I started on the angle ones last night. I made a tool to help me find the angle.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Once I has happy with the location of the fuse and after rechecking the wing tube location, I glued in formers F2,F3,F4 and F5 on the right side looking from the front. You will see I have two squares clamped down together on the left; this is to keep the engine box from moving while applying...

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    So now that I have both fuse sides done, it’s time to locate the engine box over the plans and locate the sides just as I did to locate the wing tube and the stab tube sockets, but prior to that, I picked three points on the plans and I cut three cross braces and shaped the angle using the belt...

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Hello Jason, sorry I didnt see this during the weekend, The plans call for Bass Wood, 1/2 by 1/4 the height you have to cut yourself. I may have forgotten to take pics of that. I'll be posting soon what I got done this weekend.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    Both fuse sides have been sheeted and I’ve located and glued in the hard points for the rudder servo. I used epoxy on this area. I used the socket tube to mark the 1/8inch sheet from the inside, marked it with a red sharpie and used my Dremel with a flat wheel to open it up.

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    I manage to get a little work done on it last night. I glued on the 1/8 balsa sheet and trimmed it flushed with the top and bottom longerons. I like this kind of work on the kit, not too much to think about. I used tape to hold the two pieces together flipped it over and use thin CA, the side...

    IMAC Carden Pro 124 Build, My Dream Plane

    My next step is to glue together four pieces of 1/8 balsa for the outside skin.