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  1. Patto

    Eugene, Oregon Monster Fest/3DBASH August 21st-23rd 2015!!

    The field is looking good. I believe that 3dcarter is going to be there...
  2. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    So, this arrived in the mail... From Bruce at Century Jet. Very nice work.
  3. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    Hey, sorry I've taken so long to reply!! Yes, I'll keep posting details as the build progresses, and please feel free to contribute with your own build details. Unfortunately, progress has been VERY SLOW lately! I had to repair my kiddo's plane and have been maintaining the other GS...
  4. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    I have decided that I love building. Never thought I would say that. I've been an ARF guy for about 30 years! I'd post the pictures, but it's hit and miss trying it with my phone. But here's what's new: Engines arrived: two EME 55's with electric start! Half the fuse is sheeted and holes have...
  5. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    The engines have arrived! You can also see that the sheeting of the fuselage is well underway.
  6. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    Progress has been slow. I've been working, spending time with family, and doing a little bit of flying. Currently, I'm finishing up shaping and sheeting the bottom of the fuselage between the rear firewall and the LG plate. It's been a bit of a PITA to get it right, but I think I'm just about...
  7. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    Rear firewall is attached, fuselage stringers are finished on both sides, wing mount blocks installed, and landing gear holes drilled. Hoping to make more progress tonight.* My list of missing pieces of wood is nearby at all times. Keep having to add to it.
  8. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    Haha! Notice you can't see much of the shop in my pictures? Camera trickery!! Thank you for your kind words. Hoping to get more done tonight.
  9. Patto

    Aurora 9X strange issue

    FYI, the issue was fixed when I got the radio back. Speedy turn around by Hitec too.
  10. Patto

    3DHS Yak 55 91" - vibration issue

    Hey Lojik how did it turn out?
  11. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    Today's progress included getting some of the stringers re-located to the correct places so the windows will turn out right. I also installed the landing gear block and the home-made ply support pieces. I will also be putting some carbon fiber cloth in that area. Here's what it looked like at...
  12. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    Some pics of the fuselage build so far... (from yesterday)
  13. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    You know, it's fun so far, but we'll see how I feel in a few months.
  14. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    Power system is going to be twin 50-60's, possibly with electric starters.
  15. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    I'm worried about overheating of the rear engine, so I am going to do some creative baffling in the rear cowl to take full advantage of the scoop up top.
  16. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    And so it begins... started with the fuselage sides.
  17. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    I bought that sanding machine from Harbor Freight for about $50. So far, I'm pretty impressed with it. I think it will prove invaluable for this type of a project.
  18. Patto

    Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster

    Here's are pics of what I have so far