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  1. Joe's Dad

    3DHS Planes Picture Thread

    I agree
  2. Joe's Dad

    Cool pictures

    I was wondering the same thing.
  3. Joe's Dad

    3DHS Tennessee Fly-Low-In - August 15-18, 2013 Knoxville, TN

    Joe was just flying Someone else put the tickets out there.
  4. Joe's Dad

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    I've been told they are bringing the big trailer.
  5. Joe's Dad

    Separate capacitors on receiver? To use or not to use?

    A good battery is cheaper + Batteries are really big capacitors.
  6. Joe's Dad

    Series Adaptor/Arming Plug Setup

    Can't arm on 6s, if wired up this way. No switches
  7. Joe's Dad

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    You could also take them off and put em on a shelf in your shop. They will last a long time there. Just kidding :)
  8. Joe's Dad

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    I've seen about 50 different ways to make wheel pants better. From fiberglassing to adding a axle block. Which one are you referring too?
  9. Joe's Dad

    Castle Creations Talon 90

    The connectors are rated at 3 amps continuous. With 5 amps momentary surges. The 5 amp surges degrade the gold plating in the connectors so over time the connectors loose their current carrying ability. Which means You will need to replace them periodically. Helis do not need the current...
  10. Joe's Dad

    WRAM 2013: 3DRCF Event Coverage and Member Experiences!

    3DHS had 8 people working the booth. Yes at times some took breaks, went pottie, got something to eat, visited with addicts, etc. But the booth always had someone standing at the table helping people. And that's the truth. I saw no one walk away that didn't get the help they wanted with...
  11. Joe's Dad

    FLI V at the 114th Sponsored by 3DHS and 3DRCFORUMS

    100 DB at 10 feet is not as bad as it sounds. 92 at 10 feet is tough.
  12. Joe's Dad

    How many autographs ?

    Thanks, appreciate the comments. We were at the WRAM show this weekend. People were buying planes, then opening the boxes up just to get Joe to sign them. Had a good time too. Hope to see you all soon too.
  13. Joe's Dad

    WRAM 2013: 3DRCF Event Coverage and Member Experiences!

    The wram show was a great time. 3DHS had a super show, sold tons of planes. Couldn't count all the questions that were answered to fellow addicts. Had a great time seeing and talking to everyone who said hi. We drove 11 hours to get there. Can't imagine anyone not having a great experience at...
  14. Joe's Dad

    ** The 3DRCForums 38! **

    You could have a required maneuver. Very specific maneuver and awards points on how well it was flown. Caller would have to signal to the judges when the maneuver starts and ends. But a minimum set, nah. To difficult to judge well. Especially if the maneuver isn't flown well it might be hard...
  15. Joe's Dad

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    What reason?
  16. Joe's Dad

    40" EPP Edge 540 Building, Flying, and Questions

    Tape something straight on each wing tip. See which one needs twisted. Do the Twist. Go Fly
  17. Joe's Dad

    3DHS Planes Picture Thread

    Who's JClark?
  18. Joe's Dad

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    They do watch the forums. And there's nothing wrong with posting that kind of info here in my opinion. I also know 3DHS does not build their planes and pack em. So its always a good idea to look any plane(and from any other MFG too) over real good. When you go buy a new car, you don't just...