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  1. A

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Big snow storm starting tonight. Think I will try to fly tommorrow if the wind permits, just on general contrary principle.
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    The Clik NG from Twisted Hobbys/RC Factory

    Very Impressive venue Your flying is, as usual, superb Thanks for sharing Now how do we manage to get that venue for 3 hours once a week?
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Mah per ounce In electric vehicles it is a major discussion point, though measure in kwh per kg
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    @bbrown - I share your pain
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Where is the tradeoff point for electric versus gas? Will that change as energy density in batteries improves over time?
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Or giant refrigerator magnets, and let the neighborhood kids rearrange them periodically
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Pittsburgh on Tuesday Winter is a grind, no doubt about it
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    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Hi Charles Visiting my sister and family at her house on Padre Island - Sargent Tx, near Lake Jackson Last day in these balmy climes is Monday, then back to winter
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Very Impressive I once had a hotel room in Japan that was the same size, but with less amenities
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    My EE degree made for a great career start. TAMU 73 Ben Franklin taught intro to electronics
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Flying foamy under lights in an empty parking lot. Nuts, eh?
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    The Clik NG from Twisted Hobbys/RC Factory

    Looking forward to hearing your results and learning a bit about lightweight builds
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    The Clik NG from Twisted Hobbys/RC Factory

    Thanks Still tinkering with the prop and battery choices, but overall quite pleased Gotta work on those low speed knife edge loops ;-)
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    The Clik NG from Twisted Hobbys/RC Factory

    After a little offline coaching from 3DMike, let me try to post this video again, and do it the right way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZVjVwYv3_I
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    Which TH plane for my very small backyard?

    Let me suggest another possibility for your consideration. Small does not equal slow - I own and fly both the mini yak and the mini bipe. For my driveway flying - I prefer my inferno or my latest - clik. Both fly slowly when you choose. I try to keep the weight down, and to that goal, find...
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    The Clik NG from Twisted Hobbys/RC Factory

    Bought, built and have flown my TH Clik. Build was a little different than other TH airframes, but nothing too daunting. I seemed to be missing the little slotted pieces for mounting the LG, but I worked around it. In hindsight, I might have just skipped the wheels altogether and saved a couple...
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    Twisted Hobbys / RC Factory's Brand New 36" EPP FLASH NG, "Official Build Thread"

    Disregard my battery inputs - you appear to be talking about a different airframe than I was
  18. A

    Twisted Hobbys / RC Factory's Brand New 36" EPP FLASH NG, "Official Build Thread"

    FWIW I get 5 minutes indoor with a TH 250 mah 2s. 600mah might be weight that will lower flight performance but adds flight minutes. Your mileage may vary
  19. A

    Twisted Hobbys / RC Factory's Brand New 36" EPP FLASH NG, "Official Build Thread"

    Mine was the TH stock package. Yours will be lighter, so my happiness will be only a fraction of yours. I had a "who can fly slowest" contest. Clik flies slower than a champ but can't quite match a vapor And fully aerobatic