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Search results

  1. Aaeolien

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Playpal? Does that get deposited in singles? ok I'm off topic again. Damn wine. So 42 slick, 48 edge or byper, first balsa that I'm going to buy over the winter. Go...k back on topic. :)
  2. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    I had Phoenix and hated it. Sold it about a week after I bought it. Just haven't picked up. RF because the weather has been so nice. Just been out flying the planes. Weather getting crappy now I have to go pick it up. Lol. Need my flying fix. Haven't been out in 3 days. Rain or too windy.
  3. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    That is one thing I need to get still is RF6. Think I may pick that up this weekend.
  4. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Sweet no one has been banned for ticking off gyro. That's my new personal mission. :) just kidding. Lol. This place is awesome. And everyone should ignore all posts from me tonight as I've had a few beverages this evening. :)
  5. Aaeolien

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Doh. That might be tough to fly in. Lol
  6. Aaeolien

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Nice. I toss the twisted hobbies planes around in the parking lot quite a bit here. I get half the office out there watching. Lol. Nice sized parking lot and a nice grassy area gives me a good spot to fly those. Not enough space for flying anything bigger. 70 slick. Yikes. To big for me at the...
  7. Aaeolien

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Thankfully the day is over in 15 minutes. Of course wind is blowing at like 30 out there so I'm not exactly able to go fling my edge around. Suppose to die off though so might get some in this evening.
  8. Aaeolien

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Nope not at all gyro. We are all wandering all over the place. And for that I apologize. Probably should have ya clean up the vyper bype post too. We wandered a little over there too. :) slow day at theoffice here.
  9. Aaeolien

    42" Vyper Bype

    Have my eye on that one too. It's a toss up right now between those 2. Won't be till spring so have some time to figure it out. In the meantime ill beat up my 40 EPP edge. Lol. Really glad I bought that thing. Feels like a nice intermediary step between the flat foamies and a full fledged balsa...
  10. Aaeolien

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    If she doesn't let you out after dark you are missing out on the night cras*** I mean flying.
  11. Aaeolien

    42" Vyper Bype

    Lol. I haven't tried them yet. No first hand experience. Once I snag my first balsa plane though that is what I am going to use. Would love to have one of these vyper bypes but not yet. Thinking 42 slick in the spring if and when they become available again. Still a relative newbie in this hobby. :)
  12. Aaeolien

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    I'll give ya 3.50
  13. Aaeolien

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Hehe don't get me wrong I have no issue with the current method. It is 3dhs choice as to how to do it and if its worked in the past why try to change it. I liked it. It was fun. Enjoyed a few adult beverages of choice. Mashed my f5 key with the best of them and had quite a few laughs where my...
  14. Aaeolien

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Hehe yeah yeah I can't type. I blame my autocorrecting ipad.
  15. Aaeolien

    42" Vyper Bype

    Well hitec servos are crap aren't they. :p I read it on the Internet. It has to be true.
  16. Aaeolien

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Hehe yea. Maybe the guys will come up with a different system for next time. The anticipation of what item was coming made it a lot of fun. Cause ya just never know. Either way its appreciated what they are trying to accomplish with the sales. Toss out some good deals, a little publicity, clean...
  17. Aaeolien

    You may be addicted to RC if...

    Yeh pretty sure there,s no may be an addict in that statement.
  18. Aaeolien

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Cool it was a lot of fun. It was hard to really get your name in there for stuff you really wanted since folks were just "spamming" (for lack of a better word) trying to time it. I was trying to look at the items quick before deciding since my budget was limited and by the time I said ooh...
  19. Aaeolien

    Twisted Hobbys - 30" EPP Crack Pitts M12 Biplane

    Yep. I have the Th power combo on mine and love it. Can't ever get enough of flying it.
  20. Aaeolien

    You may be addicted to RC if...

    You might be an addict if you spend an entire evening hitting f5 on your keyboard hoping to be the first to be able to click I,ll take it. :)