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Search results

  1. Aaeolien

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Not sure if there is a limit but that would be awesome of folks to follow that unwritten rule.
  2. Aaeolien

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Ya Horton will post the details first to say they wants it gets to buy it. Click at top for the details.
  3. Aaeolien

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Wit that must be item 2 plank. You already bought item 1 from me earlier. Haha.
  4. Aaeolien

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    The start has been delayed 1 hour. :P come back at 9pm est. hehe.
  5. Aaeolien

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Looking and hoping for a deal maybe 42 slick, 41 edge. Can't get anything bigger than that since I just don't have room to fly anything bigger at the moment.
  6. Aaeolien

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Lol snowdog. Pretty sure if it had a motor on it joe could do slow rollers.
  7. Aaeolien

    Focus areas

    I agree with everything that you said joe. And those are some things I am starting to work on, be it with my bigger edge or my flat foamies and I can already tell the difference in my flying. Can tell the difference in my confidence while flying knowing that I can make the plane do exactly what...
  8. Aaeolien

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    #1 Red Brick with cardboard wings attached. $150. Description : prone to crashing due to not much lift on the cardboard wings. Fly near houses at own risk. If taking this risk neighbors may take issue if you crash into a window. As is. No refunds no exchanges.
  9. Aaeolien

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Yeah ya don't have to tell me about it. Lol. At that age that's more than half my age as well. Anyways never really properly introduced myself around here. I'm Chris. Been flying for about 2 years. Started flying micros and this spring picked up my first 3d foamies. TH crack Pitts and slick...
  10. Aaeolien

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    All these youngins making me feel old. Hehe. 11, 15, 15. Hehe.
  11. Aaeolien

    You may be addicted to RC if...

    I did that on a repair last week. Want doh this will work better. Pulled it all apart at 3am before the glue really had time to set. Haha. You know you are addicted if you willingly go to your inlaws because you know you can fly larger planes over the field across the street and fly foamies...
  12. Aaeolien

    Full Scale 3D flying

    Cool vids man. Here is one I found a while ago. Guys name is rob holland sick sick pilot. I've seen him fly in person a couple of times and its amazing. In this vid there are torque rolls, hovers, crazy tumbles, waterfalls, inverted flat spin to KE spin to upright flat spin, short inverted...
  13. Aaeolien

    Full Scale 3D flying

    Don't see the video link. :(
  14. Aaeolien

    Full Scale 3D flying

    Insane is all I can say. Lol. Haven't seen a full scale blender yet. That must have been scary. The others I have seen and pretty amazing stuff for sure. Somewhere out there someone is practicing a rolling harrier full scale and we will see it at some point.
  15. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Haven't gotten good enough to do those clean and in a straight line. Haha. Getting there though.
  16. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    I can see it now once I finally do join a club. Instructor "I'd like you to fly straight down the runway." Plane travels length of runway doing a rolling harrier. ;)
  17. Aaeolien

    40" EPP Edge 540 Building, Flying, and Questions

    Ok I finally love love love this airplane. Was enjoying it before but was disappointed in the harrier rocking like crazy and I couldn't get it locked into a hover to save my life. It flew well enough and was enjoying flying it but seemed that something was just off. Noob to bigger heavier...
  18. Aaeolien

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    That sounds like my flying at the inlaws last weekend. Was having a blast doing goofy stuff. Thought why not have my wife film it. And this was the result. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5stNLIV1J7o&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  19. Aaeolien

    UMX Sbach 3D BNF

    Looks like a cool new version of the sbach. Original flew well enough. I won't be getting one since I've unloaded all my micro stuff.
  20. Aaeolien

    You may be addicted to RC if...

    Addicted for sure if anytime you leave the house even if it's to go buy milk at the corner store you put a plane in the car.