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  1. bjackson1206

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    does anybody know when the 71" slick will be available in gas version
  2. bjackson1206

    QQ yak 54 73" power setup

    hey man have you flown the yak any more
  3. bjackson1206

    QQ yak 54 73" power setup

    Jamesrine I got my motor and batteries this week and I had put them almost all the way to the nose to get it to balance I might be able to be half inch off the fire wall to be in the middle of the suggested cg and this is with 2 sky lipos 5000 mah 30 c packs 4 s of course I think my hacker is...
  4. bjackson1206


    Rc flight source is a neat little app don't know how accurate it is but if you put in the hacker has on there web site they are the same
  5. bjackson1206

    QQ yak 54 73" power setup

    I ended up buying the hacker a60 5s and castle ice 100 keep me posted on the tacon I'm courious on what you think
  6. bjackson1206

    Discussion What's a good first balsa plane?

    Also I see some guys say get a 51" plane I agree the bigger the better that is why I sold my 48" I'm stuck on the 60" planes they are my favorite easy to transport and the most fun for my to fly my 60" extreme flight extra has spoiled me this is my go to plane
  7. bjackson1206

    Discussion What's a good first balsa plane?

    I have flown both the Ef extra and edge and both plane were set up very different the edge was on 3 cell and the extra on 4 cell I felt like the extra was more precise flew straight lines better but still could do some wild stuff the edge to me didn't track as well but if you jammed the sticks...
  8. bjackson1206

    QQ yak 54 73" power setup

    What did you build battery tray out of I was thinking light ply do you have any pics of battery tray and motor mount you built thanks Ben
  9. bjackson1206

    QQ yak 54 73" power setup

    well im going to finish up ordering stuff for my yak this week I just ordered 5 hitec hs985 servos for it i think they will work fine on the motor i was going to order Motorfly 4330-282 but a guy at my flying field who mostly flies 3d suggested the hacker A605s V2 he says he had a plane like...
  10. bjackson1206

    Anyone out there have a 73" Pilot RC YAK54

    hey Gyro im tinking of this plane for my first gas plane i got a dle 30 nib through some trading i really like the looks of this plane i was dead set on 3dhs slick but my field is full of them but they are electric i guess im on the fence we are talking less than $30 dollars difference so that...
  11. bjackson1206

    QQ yak 54 73" power setup

    i have seen the reviews on the tacon big foot 110 was going to buy but i have had great luck with motorfly $130 price difference but i know from experience it is a great product that the way i will go probbaly
  12. bjackson1206

    QQ yak 54 73" power setup

    I just bought this plane today and want to set it up on 8s not sure what motor to put on it the guy i bought it off of had a gear box on it plane is in good shape has been electric all of its life any thoughts on motor/esc combos i was going to run separate rx pack but could put bec on it...
  13. bjackson1206

    64" mxs exp

    Yea I had the same thoughts promised wife that if I bought plane I would not start on it till after christmas just bought 2 other new planes a month ago well I ordered servos yesterday plane is done just waiting on servos and motor esc
  14. bjackson1206

    64" mxs exp

    It's on extreme flights website click multimedia box I'm on my phone and don't know how to post links
  15. bjackson1206

    64" mxs exp

    I hope they don't run out I ordered mine sat and haven't heard anything yet
  16. bjackson1206

    64" mxs exp

    I just placed order for green one yesterday did not order power combo because was planning on trying some hv servos thought I would buy castle esc and set voltage to 7.5 and it opens another debate on witch motor to buy I have torque in my 60" extra love it and motorfly in 48" edge and love it...
  17. bjackson1206

    Discussion Extreme Flight Aircraft power systems discussion

    on my 48" edge i run motorfly 2820/950 ztw 70 amp and a apc 14x7 i fly it on 3 cell very fun i also have same setup in my sebart katana and sukhoi
  18. bjackson1206

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Hi im Ben Jackson from nothern kentucky