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  1. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Prayers and good thoughts your way. Hope all goes well
  2. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Thanks I'll mention that.
  3. dth7

    Twisted Hobbys Crack Laser, with a few new build tips

    Thanks Cody, You clarified my servo point better than I did. I haven't maddened my laser yet. My motor will run 8x4 and 9x4. I'll have to see which goes better. I think you said the Laser was good with the 9" prop.
  4. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    I told him to let it "cook" for an hour. I don't think it ever loaded. He's going to call cust service tomorrow. What are the odds of two bad disks? I told him its possible.
  5. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Thanks. He tried right click on the drive but can't get to the .exe file to manually run! Frustrating.
  6. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Did you see the one Noll was advertising on the 3dhs Facebook page. 92" edge ready to fly w DA60 for $2200 negotiable. In PA!? https://www.facebook.com/groups/3dHobbyshopAddicts/permalink/10152122442440449/ Oh, welcome!
  7. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Hey guys- Real Flight upgrade question? I have a friend in the club that I'm trying to get on multi player in RF 6.5. He has 5.5 and bought an upgrade disk to 6.5. He had one replaced all ready suspecting a bad disk. I haven't seen his system in person and am trying to help him remotely...
  8. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Cool, there is an Airtronics 94820 on the elevator but again not HV so it should handle the 6 v too. Thanks. I've been spoiled on the Laser with 7245 HVs so this will be a slight step back but the extra did fine with the non HVs before.
  9. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Question- I have a new Gecko 85 esc going in a rebuild of my 60" EF Extra. Running 5245 Hitecs, what voltage should I run? Default is 5.0v Thanks. What a nice job they did on the Gecko!
  10. dth7

    60" Laser-EXP

    "Need more Laser, more Laser now! Haha.
  11. dth7

    Twisted Hobbys Crack Laser, with a few new build tips

    Are you using the digital servos?
  12. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    A friend has one. Ok but beef up the gear.
  13. dth7

    3DHS Planes Picture Thread

    Nice "carving" with that rudder! I assume that wasn't crusty snow. It's probably the 6-8" that are headed here today. Time to get my Laser on skis.
  14. dth7

    60" Laser-EXP

    You didn't want to rebuild huh?
  15. dth7

    60" Laser-EXP

    Did the wings take a hit Gary?
  16. dth7

    60" Laser-EXP

    Stinks Gary. Looks eerily similar to my 60"extra that went in nose first from 50'. Wings and tail ok? I did the canopy, fuse and cowl on mine. Just did bearings in the torque and I'll be good to go. Good luck with repair.
  17. dth7

    3DHS Planes Picture Thread

    Ok now those are models! Haha. Looks chilly!
  18. dth7

    Question? 25, 30, or 35C?

    For me lately (6 months) its been Glacier, Gens, and EZ Flite Pro (Heads Up RC in FL)- 2S-6S. I like to maintain a little C buffer too. I run some 4S in EDFs and they like to puff batts! The others have had good staying power for a long time. Havent had the chance to try site sponsor Yellow...
  19. dth7

    Torque 4016 Bearing Replacement

    Thanks. I had to ask several people before Bandit and a guy from my club answered at the same time. Really simple but I didn't want to risk messing the nice motor up. It's in the motor forum now.