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  1. dth7

    78'' Extra

    I went with the steel single shaft prop adapter so that will be an improvement and easier for prop testing. The firewall has had a little modification so my mounting will be a bit different as far as standoffs.
  2. dth7

    3DHS Fly Low In (East) July 11,12,13,14 Washington, New Jersey 6th Annual

    If you check me out on your rig we could share filming duties so we could both fly and film. Not sure if I will enter anything in NJ. The challenge is going to be getting there first (sched w family n all).
  3. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    "DAD" the gift that keeps on giving. It'll pay dividends some day hopefully!
  4. dth7

    78'' Extra

    Thanks Ryan, it's all "built" so it's just a matter of going through it and making any repairs then doing the engine mods and tuning/ mounting the pipe. I think we can do it too.
  5. dth7

    78'' Extra

    Great! It's not a "true build" since I bought it used but we will be rebuilding it from vinyl to power plant. I'll try to document with pics as we go then vid when I fly it.
  6. dth7

    78'' Extra

    If Hone doesn't mind me piggybacking I think it may offer a nice compare/ contrast for those on the fence on engines like I was.
  7. dth7

    Who would be interested in an entirely new type of competition?

    I'll talk it up with Cody and see if we can at least get some preliminary stuff written down. Thanks for the support. I think he came up with a great idea too that ha a place in the hobby.
  8. dth7

    78'' Extra

    Thanks Matt, That's the goal. To finish, test, setup and break in before VT. May be a tall order but you gotta have goals. All the parts are coming from several sources and should be at the house when I get back Sunday,Tuesday at latest. I'll get all the basic and cosmetics done then we do the...
  9. dth7

    78'' Extra

    Ordered everything for the 78 setup. Have secured experience help. Hoping to have it up by the first week in June!
  10. dth7

    Who would be interested in an entirely new type of competition?

    I think we're going to have some time to talk about it while setting up my 78 over the next couple weeks. Hope to report back soon. Keep the faith, this is still an "infant" in terms of development.
  11. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Work it brotha work it. You RC whore you!!!! Good story.
  12. dth7

    78'' Extra

    Hone, I too have enjoyed following along with "Extra" emphasis since we have the same airframe. Santi set me up with a graphics package that I have to install. It's a modified star layout. I'll post when I finish (it's my first "real" vinyl job and I've been procrastinating with good flying...
  13. dth7

    Who would be interested in an entirely new type of competition?

    Ah, flying season in New England is short so when the time is available I've been flying. Cody gets busy too so we haven't talked in a couple weeks. Hopefully as I set up my 78 and get things tweaked we'll be able to open up the conversation again. Just time man, "it keeps tickin tickin into the...
  14. dth7

    78'' Extra

    Well, DA is having issues with the 35 ignition according to several sources. So, decision time. I like the OS but can't get my brain off the backward starting. There is a local guy with a 78 on a piped DLE 35RA turning 20-21" props so I'm going for it. Will report. Hope to have it all together...
  15. dth7

    3DHS Fly Low In (East) July 11,12,13,14 Washington, New Jersey 6th Annual

    Sounds like a definite go to event Matt. Can't wait to hear more. Maybe catch up Sunday somewhere.
  16. dth7

    60" Laser-EXP

    I'm waiting (and waiting) on the 35 from DA. I've been following Hone's progress with the GT 33 as well as seeing and flying with Enterprise (he had a couple gt33s running now). I really want the DA but the season is here now. I'm giving til the end of May then seriously thinking the GT 33 piped...
  17. dth7

    78'' Extra

    Thanks Hone! Excellent reporting. Plans post details on header and pipe as well as lengths if you could. Sounds like you set it up perfectly. If DA doesn't come thru this month I'm going to go OS.
  18. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    So you can fly an edf through a pine tree at 90 mph and fly it again. StingerZilla will rise this week. A little foam CA, lightweight filler and clear coat and we're back in business!
  19. dth7

    Extreme Flight Owners Thread

    Nope. Having fun in the sim! Recurrent. I'd rather be flying EF!