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Search results

  1. Jwmav528

    22nd Annual Wally's Squadron 2013 Fly-In. August 15-18

    I'm coming down for the day Saturday. I'll save up a few days off work and come for the entire event next year.
  2. Jwmav528

    2nd Annual Greater Pittsburgh ARCS Fly What ya Brung Fly In September 14

    So I've been sitting on a few updates awaiting confirmation but here are some updates. -Our contact at Horizon Hobby was John Redman himself. With him leaving Horizon for Jet Cat we were no longer able to host Seth Arnold -Nitroplanes donated a 30cc MX2 to be raffled and one of our club...
  3. Jwmav528

    22nd Annual Wally's Squadron 2013 Fly-In. August 15-18

    I got in touch with Anthony. It's looking more and more like Saturday but I should know for sure tonight. PM me your contact information and we can arrange meeting up. Now my only decision to make is this. I have a meter of white and a meter of green LED strip lights. Shall I put them on my...
  4. Jwmav528

    22nd Annual Wally's Squadron 2013 Fly-In. August 15-18

    Role call time! Who's going? I'm driving down Friday after work or Saturday morning?
  5. Jwmav528

    MEDIA BLITZ! FLI New Jersey & 3DRCForums - 38 Competition

    It's great to see that everyone had a good time! I'm still bummed about not being able to make it out but there's always next year!
  6. Jwmav528

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Multiply 2.650 times 20 and that's the continuous current you can safely pull from those packs. The result is 53 amps. Do they have a burst rating?
  7. Jwmav528

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    What size packs and what will that motor pull?
  8. Jwmav528

    Keeping My Hobby Interest Alive

    I do too! I also think it will be a lot more visible than the blue and white scheme.
  9. Jwmav528

    ** The 3DRCForums 38! **

    In swing dancing we have a type of competition called the Jack and Jill. In that competition, leads and follows are randomly paired and must be judged dancing to a randomly chosen piece of music. Sometimes improvising is the way to go. It's what I was planning on doing when I was still coming...
  10. Jwmav528

    ** The 3DRCForums 38! **

    I have bad news guys. I've been working a lot of overtime to get my projects at work tidied up so that I could come out but it looks like I won't be able to get away from work just yet afterall. :/ Good luck to everyone in the competition! Especially Ashleigh, I'm rooting for you too. I'll...
  11. Jwmav528

    Altitude Hobbies Hosted ZTW ESC discussion/ Q & A thread

    So your advice should be to check my voltage under load with my wattmeter with each pack and maybe try out some fresh packs? I have checked it out on the ground to make sure I'm not over amping anything.
  12. Jwmav528

    Altitude Hobbies Hosted ZTW ESC discussion/ Q & A thread

    Just for giggles I disabled the LVC for the battery because the esc has a built in thermal protection function that behaves like LVC. I'm gonna stop messing with it and put it back to stock until I can get to my shop for the smaller prop. I may be thinking too hard on this and just have the...
  13. Jwmav528

    Altitude Hobbies Hosted ZTW ESC discussion/ Q & A thread

    Ok so it still was acting up on me. I took the timing from auto to 8 degrees. I don't want to advance it but I wanted to try it without the auto timing feature. It had the typical starting issues of a motor with too low timing. My problem went from constant to intermittent. I'm gonna set it back...
  14. Jwmav528

    Altitude Hobbies Hosted ZTW ESC discussion/ Q & A thread

    I misread the manual. It is in fact 110C. I'm going to recalibrate and attempt to fly again. I'm also going to double check my settings on the programming card that I have for it.