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  1. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    That is what I started thinking too when you suggested 50 cc servos for this plane. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going overboard. I can't order them just yet but I probably can get them in a week or so. In the meantime, I'll move on to installing the engine. :D
  2. Jwmav528

    Redwing RC 30cc Elite series 76" MXS-R

    Did you get the Red Deal? What will your setup be?
  3. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    That being said, would the hitec 5625s that I'm running while breaking in the engine and getting a feel for the plane be up to the task for the easier initial flying? Or should I wait until I have the XQs?
  4. Jwmav528

    Redwing RC 30cc Elite series 76" MXS-R

    Awesome Gyro! I'm definitely subscribed!
  5. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    After the tail, I mounted the landing gear. There's this awesome plate that goes over the heat to blend it in with the fuselage. Also, the landing gear has a sweep in it. It's very important that the sweep goes forward. It's hard to eyeball it so I set it upright on the table and looked for...
  6. Jwmav528

    New L.A. 92" extra 330 and GP 61

    Does it come in green? :D
  7. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    I'll do that once I put the xq4013s on. I can use those metal arms that come with them and then I can put them on and take them off. It'll go in my car much better then. :D
  8. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    That manual is much better. Thank you for the link! Sorry for the delays in updates. Between working into the wee hours on this plane and getting ready to travel this weekend I've not been able to get on as much as I'd like to update. At this point I have fuselage servos mounted and linkages...
  9. Jwmav528

    Spookfest!!! Galion Ohio

    I'll try to make it out if my Slick is finished.
  10. Jwmav528

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Flying my ft 3d then working on ny slick more.
  11. Jwmav528

    20cc Sbach

    I'm eyeballing the 20cc sbach as a project for down the road for me after I finish my Slick. I already have a DLE 20 and was thinking of finding it a home. What can anyone tell me about this airplane?
  12. Jwmav528

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Welcome Cheyenne! Definitely make a build log for that Slick. We can compare notes. :D
  13. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    I'm running a DLE 35 ra with hitec 5625 servos. I like the torque of the servos but I'm worried their speed might be a little slow. I'm going to break in the engine with them in but I might switch to something faster like Savox 1258s, Align ds610s, or XQ 4013s. I don't know much about XQ though...
  14. Jwmav528

    72" Extra 330SC

    NJSwede what servos are you running? I'm putting 5645s in my Slick at first but I'm going to want something a little faster once my engine is broken in and I can smack it around a bit.
  15. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    I am running my build pretty close to how Tim built his MXSR in the build video series on RedwingRC's YouTube page. So my first post pretty much follows what was completed in the first video. You can see here that the hardware pack includes painted double truss phenolic control horns. Just...
  16. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    Some things that I forgot to mention in my previous post are the cannister tunnel and the aluminum reinforced cannister tunnel plus a complete hardward package. Now here comes two criticisms that may or may not be actual issues but we shall see. The first issue I had is the manual. It uses the...
  17. Jwmav528

    Building of the 30cc Slick 540 from Redwing RC!!!

    I must say that green really is the new black. Well it is for me at least. I preordered this back in August when I first saw it because I was on the market for a 30cc plane and have been poking around the Redwing's website for a few months doing plenty of drooling. Out of the box, I really...
  18. Jwmav528

    AeroBeez 73" (26%) Yak-54 30cc ARF Airplane

    Nice flier!
  19. Jwmav528

    72" Extra 330SC

    Is there video of this said, "giggling"?
  20. Jwmav528

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    1/4 scale cub kit for my dad, a classic pattern design for me called the Vagabond. A couple of ft versa wings for my cousins who are getting into the hobby, an f3p plane for me to keep my thumbs sharpened in the off season, a glider or two and researching an fpv multi rotor. Eventually finding a...