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Search results

  1. SteveT.

    3DHS 70" Velox

    I don't know why, but every time I go to maiden a new plane it gets very windy, so, only one flight, but it flew great!! Just a couple clicks of down elevator, and when rolled inverted it showed to be just a touch tail heavy as it was just barely climbing. By the time I adjust the CG, I will...
  2. SteveT.

    3DHS 70" Velox

    WoooHooo....maidened my Velox today!! great flying plane, even on a windy day!!! SteveT
  3. SteveT.

    74" Edge 540

    Looking good there N.E.!!! SteveT
  4. SteveT.

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    A funny cheese commercial!!! SteveT
  5. SteveT.

    42" Vyper Bype

    That is a bummer.....but if you have a regular HS-85MG, you can still go on.... SteveT
  6. SteveT.

    42" Vyper Bype

    My thinking also... SteveT
  7. SteveT.

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Why not, it's not slimy!!! SteveT
  8. SteveT.

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Not in all states.... SteveT
  9. SteveT.

    *** Guerrilla Squad A T X ***

    Why that's turrible!!! (spoken with a southern drawl.... SteveT
  10. SteveT.

    64" mxs exp

    I know it is just my opinion, but I don't care for the front of the cowling on this plane, it just looks a bit strange to me, and not very much like the real plane....but, yes, the plane really appears to fly very nicely!! SteveT
  11. SteveT.

    Favorite and Most Trusted RC Vendors

    Don't forget Amazon.com....surprisingly enough, they are selling a lot of model supplies also, and while I haven't bought any model supplies from them, I have always gotten excellent service on other items... SteveT
  12. SteveT.

    64" mxs exp

    Nice flying Joe!! SteveT
  13. SteveT.

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Just remember....paybacks are a biotch!! :D :D :D SteveT
  14. SteveT.

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Only when Daisy Duke is around!!! SteveT
  15. SteveT.

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Cotton mouth is a poisonous water snake.....bed prank....putting said snake in somebodies bed under the covers... The last person to put a dead snake in my bed, got a live one in his.....a four foot long Diamond back rattler... SteveT