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Search results

  1. TazmanianDevil

    NACA duct...

    Hi friends From where can I buy NACA duct for RC planes...I want to install them on my new project...and to try them on an old one. Thanks Adi
  2. TazmanianDevil

    Krill Extra 330 LX building thread

    Well, after a long waiting, I've got mine now. I think Krill made a quantum leap from my old SU 29, no seams in the fuse very neat, well organised intiriure like the SC. The engine box all the way to the wing tube is well reinforced with carbon, also the tail, where the stab tube. The line is...
  3. TazmanianDevil

    The Road to the EXFC 2015

    Since 2007 and for every 2 years there is the EXFC, European Xtreme Flight Championship. I first got there in 2007 as a caller for Ido Segev, and went with him all the way to 2009 and 2011 when he took the first place. Since than I've been dreaming about going there and participate with one of...
  4. TazmanianDevil

    JR 28X, what is the BALANCE feature ?

    Hi friend, Got a friend here with the 28 and we're busting our brain to find the balance feature we have in my be 14XG 11 and 12X. It it under the same name or is it under new one or is it being made under different method ? Cheers Adi
  5. TazmanianDevil

    Coming to the IMAC UK

    This weekend was a blast as a matter of fact the whole last week. Met with great new friends and all cause of IMAC. After meeting with Tom Davis at the Worlds we talked about coming to the UK to visit them and participate in a local IMAC contest. I didn't came with much, just my suitcase...
  6. TazmanianDevil

    IMAC Israel first contest for 2015

    Hi all We've started our new season with a new contest for 2015, after some crazy weather that forced us to cancel the Feb contest. we've experienced rain and very fast high winds with at list 15-20Kt but as always we came to fly. We had 12 contestants from Basic thru Unlimited and 5 for the...
  7. TazmanianDevil

    The how do you setup your IMAC radio thread

    Just made me curious to know how people setup their radio for IMAC flying. Futaba JR or other brands post your logic and ideas here. Thanks Adi
  8. TazmanianDevil

    Logic mixes with JR XG14

    Can you do that ? I know there is a way but how ? I want it to work on snaps condition so every time I take the sticks to there limit and the throttle to a specific position it will enter a snap. Thanks Adi
  9. TazmanianDevil

    Titanium gimbals springs

    Hi friends I want to use those on my XG 14. I used to fly with them my old 8FG. 1. Where can I get them these days 2. Can I use them on my XG14? 3. Thanks. Adi
  10. TazmanianDevil

    MVVS 190 light edition.

    Craig call it The Black Knight so all rights preserved to him. Made the engine about 1pound lighter...and much more beautiful, it can fit skinny cowl now .
  11. TazmanianDevil

    32-12 or 31-14

    Got the MVVS 175 and couldn't think about making in more quit and the plane faster. Now, the engine is turning the 32-12 with 5800-5900 static very quit but not fast enough for me even though on up lines and down line you can hardly see the speed change, much authority. What do you think ? Is...
  12. TazmanianDevil

    XG 11 gimbals

    Does it has the same gimbals like the 14XG/12X ?? Thanks Adi
  13. TazmanianDevil

    JR 14 XG changing model

    Hey all I've noticed that when I want to change the model on my TX, I need to bind the RX again with the new model. It seems you can't change model without doing that...is it right or do I have something wrong ? The set up is, 1 RX on 1 plane, the models are, once the plane is IMAC once its 3D.
  14. TazmanianDevil

    PAM XTREME 2015

    Hey friends, Since 2009 we're organizing a freestyle contest for helis and ginats, but this time we're going to do it different. We're going to launch the biggest freestyle contest / Fly In in Israel. We're going to make a freestyle contest for Giant Scale Aerobatic planes and F3N helis...
  15. TazmanianDevil

    Flight modes for JR XG14

    Hey friends, Just got a bran new XG14 and I'm trying to figure out the logic about the flight modes with no success. What I'm trying to do is to use my throttle stick as flight mode 1-2 and than use a regular switch for the roller and landing modes. Total of 5 flight modes,  1 - up...
  16. TazmanianDevil

    IMAC Israel NATs 2014

    Hi all Well we've finished our last contest for this season with our national championship. At the end, we were 10 pilots filling the basic thru the advanced classes. The contest took place in Ktziot flying field and was held for two days. I total we did, 6 Known (one sequence each...
  17. TazmanianDevil

    IMAC Israel new website

    Hey friends,   All new website in Hebrew AND in English. Took us more than a week to work on it and get it right, also I've worked on a new logo for our division, hope you'll like it, all in the IMAC spirit and code. www.imacflying.com Thanks Adi 
  18. TazmanianDevil

    Lakrif Air Show 2014, Israel.

    This is the 4th year we are gathering from all over Israel the best pilots we have, scale, jets hellies and giants to thank Cap' Nir Lakrif, an IAF CH 53 mechanic who perished in the Karpatic mountains in Romania during a training exercise. Let the pictures talk for them selves, I will add...
  19. TazmanianDevil

    Smart Fly EQ10 and JR DMSS protocol

    Hi guys   I'm moving back to JR and trying to get as much info as for the new system JR is using now. As I'v heared the new protocol from JR is very robast and like the FASST Futaba is using. Being said, I'm using the SF EQ10 with Savox servos, so anyone is using that setup as well ...
  20. TazmanianDevil

    The road to the IMAC worlds...

    Just thought it would be nice to share with you all my trip to the IMAC worlds. Starts now by boarding the plane to Phlli and from there all the way to St Louise. Will end the day by driving to Rolla meeting at the end with Bryan Zang. Total of about 20 hrs trip. So, see...