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Search results

  1. Bipenut53

    Bud Nosen Citabria

    Hello, I have a Bud Nosen Citabria for sale. This airplane is in excellent shape and is ready to fly. It has a Ryobi 26cc converted engine that has plenty of power. I can leave the Optima 7 receiver in it for 400.00 or remove the receiver and the airplane ready for your receiver is 350.00...
  2. Bipenut53

    New Guy looking for answers

    Ok VytusFly I hope you can follow me here because I think this may get a little long and I don't want to take over someone elses build thread. As I was saying welcome to this great hobby!! What experience do you have flying? Do you have a simulator? and Do you have a club near by? If no club...
  3. Bipenut53

    Extreme Flight 91" Extra EXP Build Log

    Hello all, I got my airplane ordered yesterday 3/24/15 and I also ordered everything I think I'm going to use. The goody packages should start showing up on Friday. This is what I plan on using: EF 91" kit EME 70cc twin Savox SV-1270TG on all surfaces Hitec HS-5665MH on the throttle...