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Search results

  1. dougb

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Yes, I did a re-kit ... er ... re-ARF on my 48 EPP Extra and just moved the gear over to the new airframe. It's easy to fly, easy to land and quick to repair. Also fun to fly in insane wind - stationary / backwards KE flight is great practice. :D Doug B.
  2. dougb

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Very tempting, however I'm using the 48 EPP Extra & EPP Yak for KE and low inverted training. They have a lower emotional investment. :cool: Doug B.
  3. dougb

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    No problem - was preparing for my RC club's last event of the year and totally forgot about the sale. :o Thanks. I checked out the F3A promo last week ... I have some spare 7955 servos so the 65" Vyper is tempting. :) However I have a new 70" Velox waiting to be assembled. Not enough...
  4. dougb

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Rats, was hoping I'd get a surprise from Brown Santa & 3DHS :D ... I missed the sale. :( Doug B.
  5. dougb

    3DHS 70" Velox

    Thanks for the tips. A 5 - 5.5 minute flight works for me. Is the Hacker A60-5XS a drop in replacement for the A50-16S i.e. same 6S battery? same prop? Need to finish assembling my 72 Extra before I tackle the Velox. Going to be hard though. I must say that the yellow Velox is a sexy...
  6. dougb

    3DHS 48" EPP Extra

    Having some great fun with this one ... http://www.3dhobbyshop.com/48-EPP-Extra_p_16045.html My flying buddy & I getting a bit too close ... some fuse & elevator damage :eek: Doug B.
  7. dougb

    3DHS 70" Velox

    I just received my Velox, planning on using a A50-16S on 6S 5000mah with an 18x8. Am I on the right track to fun? :) Doug B.
  8. dougb

    48" EPP Yak

    :) LOL, color schemes are like music everybody likes something different. I like the scheme just want different colors. Not a big deal. Thanks for the CG tips. I agree, the Extra doesn't seem to care about battery position. I've moved the battery around on the Extra, didn't make much of a...
  9. dougb

    48" EPP Yak

    Hopefully, I'll have a Yak maiden this weekend. I really like the 48 EPP Extra. The Yak looks like a winner too. Wish it had a different color scheme. My only nit pick thus far. :cool: Doug B.
  10. dougb

    Futaba 8FG(S)

    +1, I like the 8FG(S) so much I own 2 of them. :cool: However, the alarm needs to be louder or vibrate the radio or something to get my attention. Doug B.
  11. dougb

    104" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    Thanks for the pictures. You have any with the cowl off? I'd like to see the motor / ESC install, please. Doug B.