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Search results

  1. dougb

    Eugene Oregon 3D Bash & Monster Fest

    The dates might work for me. I'll see if I can find some guys from Eastern WA. :) Doug B.
  2. dougb

    Lipo vs Li-Ion

    Great discussion. One of the debates that happens at our field from time to time. :) Load testing seems to be a good idea since it approximates what is happening in the air. However the Fromeco 8-ball only puts a 1 amp load on the pack. Is a 1 amp load sufficient for 50cc or larger aircraft...
  3. dougb

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Super thread, thank you. I'm an IMAC newbie so I'll be following along with great interest plus there will be many questions I'm sure. LOL Doug B.
  4. dougb

    The 3DHS Podcast #5 - Bigfoot

    Great opening bits :) Good info on Bigfoot too. :thumbup: Doug B.
  5. dougb

    The 3DHS Podcast #4 - Toledo Thrust and Smoke

    PSA's were awesome. Look forward to more on the next podcast. Doug B.
  6. dougb

    The 3DHS Podcast #2 - Happy Holidays

    Thanks Moose & gang, great job. Informative & humorous. :) Doug B.
  7. dougb

    Futaba 8FG(S)

    The fine folks at Robbe don't have a problem feeding power into the S.bus. I couldn't find much in the Futaba USA docs on power. I'll talk to my buddy when I get a chance. Let me look at my bipe. IIRC, I'm powering all 7 servos via the S.bus port on my R6208SB at 6v...
  8. dougb

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Just a bit outside ... Thanks Gyro. Too far to drive. Doug B.
  9. dougb

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    I like red. :) I'm guessing more than a days drive? Doug B.
  10. dougb

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Good guesses - 48" EPP Yak & 71" Slick plus motors & servos. :D I only need a 74" Edge to complete my 3DHS 70's collection. :cool: I may pass on the Edge and go for the Bigfoot. Doug B.
  11. dougb

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Black Friday goodness :) Thank you 3DHS for having one of few good Black Friday sales. Doug B.
  12. dougb

    Futaba 8FG(S)

    My flying buddy is using the R6208SB on straight 2S LiPo in a 35% Extra. I'm using the R6208SB & R6203SB on regulated 6v. Doug B.
  13. dougb

    Common setup for 71" Slick, 72" Extra, 74" Edge and Bigfoot?

    I'm trying to come up with a common power/electronics setup for the 71" Slick, 72" Extra, 74" Edge and Bigfoot. Is this possible? I prefer the efficiency and power of 8S however I do have a few 6S 5000 packs. ---------------------------- Hacker A50-12L with 6S 5000 -- or -- Hacker...
  14. dougb

    Castle Creations ESCs

    +1, I'm thinking 3DRCF thread gnomes? :confused: Doug B.
  15. dougb

    Castle Creations ESCs

    My guess is they're trying to move inventory that has piled up. In my experience you get the latest and greatest when buying direct from CC. I plan on buying a few ESC's so I'll let you know if it is old stock. :D Doug B.
  16. dougb

    Castle Creations ESCs

    I have a number of their HV ESC's and they seem to be good now. I had no issues in the past. Very few posts lately about fire & CC HV ESC's. Eh, buy what works for you. I have Hacker, YGE and Cobra ESCs too. I'm happy with them all. Doug B.
  17. dougb

    Castle Creations ESCs

    Good one! :D Doug B.
  18. dougb

    3DHS 48" EPP Extra

    ROFLMAO :D Good to see you here. Thanks for posting the pictures. We had some good times. Looking forward to 2013. I'm assembling more 3DHS goodness this winter. :thumbup: Doug B.
  19. dougb

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    +100 on the podcast content. +1 on the thread idea for the podcast. After a listen I usually end up with a question or 3 for the guests. Doug B.
  20. dougb

    3DHS 48" EPP Extra

    Uh oh, Hance found 3D RCF! :D Doug B.