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Search results

  1. Bushwacker

    New 78" Extra 330sc!

    Thats what Im talking about...Make sure it's a neon Hot Pink so I can put some lights inside and fly it at night. Dude that would look freaking cool ok maybe not pink, but if the green was neon with the white it would be so bright at night...way cool man.
  2. Bushwacker

    Xpress does a BANSHEE build...

    Oh my bad bra... Pics look awesome dude.
  3. Bushwacker

    New 78" Extra 330sc!

    Ya man I like the Green. Hey maybe you could go Purple or hot pink LMAO.
  4. Bushwacker

    My first Giant Scale Airframe EF 94" MXS-EXP

    Xpress Good info to share my friend about the gas thing and does make total sense. My problem is I have never flown a gas plane and I really need to. I too have been following the XPWR motor as best as I can. I think you have better access to info on that then the general public so it's really...
  5. Bushwacker

    Xpress does a BANSHEE build...

    Way to go bro. Even the wife looks happy,
  6. Bushwacker

    My first Giant Scale Airframe EF 94" MXS-EXP

    I know right dude is the worst ever... J/K
  7. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    cam4569 +100 on those servos man. They rock...
  8. Bushwacker

    My first Giant Scale Airframe EF 94" MXS-EXP

    I am kinda waiting for the EF motor to come out. Think it will be a good one. I want to go with a Hacker Q80-6L but dang they are spendy and run a bit warm. Also looking at RotoMax 80cc equivalent and a MOTROLFLY DM-5335. The thing is with the larger electric motors is you have to be careful...
  9. Bushwacker

    My first Giant Scale Airframe EF 94" MXS-EXP

    I run electric because of where I live and a few other reasons plus I have never even run gas ever. The cost thing kind of depends on what you get. The biggest money will be motor and servos. Electric has instant power, all the torque is there no waiting for it to hit a power curve or any of...
  10. Bushwacker

    My first Giant Scale Airframe EF 94" MXS-EXP

    Still saving money bro. Family comes first, Im sure you understand.
  11. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    So umm for those who are looking for a really big electric motor maybe you could consider this for you next build. It's only 60,000Watts and about 580cc Might be able to fit it in your next 40% build LOL...
  12. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Looks awesome there Biper! Very cool pic bud. Still theres something wrong with this picture.....Your planes are on the ground and not in the air goofy. :flyer:
  13. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Ive never cared much for the way the Yak looks, but for some weird reason I really like this one and it's color scheme. Great flying pics bud.
  14. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Nice Tan man. Too quick vid was over before I knew it.
  15. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Hope you brought you vid cam brother. Make sure to double and triple check everything bud. It's going to be great man Im sending you all my positive stuff. LOL oh wait thats not the Banshee in there...Well thats ok I'll send it anyway.
  16. Bushwacker

    Faa is looking for total control with new bill!!!

    Done deal, plus I plastered it all over my FB and Google+ and shot it off to a bunch of my friends and family by email.
  17. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Doesn't have to be a strap, could be more like something you just slp your foot in like a water ski. Just something to something to keep it under your feet and not get away from you so easy.
  18. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Well until I see and read some concrete evidence proving the tech my bs meter will remain pegged at 100% BS. The video was poorly done and the cuts in and out were weird. Doesn't really show him taking off or landing, feet were not strapped in, would think you would want that to avoid a foot...
  19. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    10+ Brother Total BS I bet it's a Flyboard and they moded the video.