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  1. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Have you guys been following the Solo quad? Besides being fun it would make a great tool. Check it out...
  2. Bushwacker

    New LiPo Shipping Rules!

    Copied from an email I got from Heli Direct: New LiPo Shipping Rules! Due to new rules & regulations when it comes to the shipment of lithium polymer batteries, we must adhere to these new mandates to stay within the noted stipulations being imposed. Please see the below information...
  3. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Sweet News Biper. wOOt wOOt
  4. Bushwacker

    Something New Is Coming.

    Interesting looking.
  5. Bushwacker

    My first Giant Scale Airframe EF 94" MXS-EXP

    Oh brother you said it. In fact you I think you pretty much hit the nail square on the head with that statement. Couldn't of said it better. I really dig the info he is so willing to share with ya to.
  6. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    LOL you crack me up man. Man it's like 73 F here and I have no planes to fly yet. Guess I'll be taking the Heli out and go tear it up.
  7. Bushwacker

    Build Log Top Flite P-40E Warhawk Gold Edition kit

    Yeah I knew that bud and I know your hearts is in a good place about all this stuff. I didn't mean for you to think about it that way bro. :facepalm: Shoot man I wish I had some flying buddies closer to me. I have Heli guys that I fly with, but none of them are into the plane thing. Dang it.
  8. Bushwacker

    Build Log Top Flite P-40E Warhawk Gold Edition kit

    Bipenut say's.... Here we have no club. It is just a group of us, approximately 8 of us and we fly off of a friends private airstrip. @Bipenut Sounds like a club to me. :) How many friends or people does it take to make a club bud. Your all getting together and having fun doing what you do...
  9. Bushwacker

    My first Giant Scale Airframe EF 94" MXS-EXP

    So I ditched the stock wheels and went with the 4" Spot On RC FlyWheelz. Love talking with SupaTim...It's a lot of fun.
  10. Bushwacker

    Humongous 70" & 78" by SegevDesign

    Very interesting aircraft. Love it when people go outside of the box like this. Really great job fella's.
  11. Bushwacker

    Xpress does a BANSHEE build...

    Got to say man you do good work dude, it's looking great.
  12. Bushwacker

    My first Giant Scale Airframe EF 94" MXS-EXP

    Yeah man thank you. I really think that Q80 6L will do very well in this one, what do you guys think?
  13. Bushwacker

    My first Giant Scale Airframe EF 94" MXS-EXP

    Only have the one pic right now bud. Didn't want to open it up at home so I took it over to the clubhouse and did it. Put it back in the box afterwards until I get the rest of the part to complete it. Safer that way. The size is impressive even without the SFG's and wing tips.
  14. Bushwacker

    My first Giant Scale Airframe EF 94" MXS-EXP

    Yes I got it. It arrived in perfect condition, not even a wrinkle. Very happy to see that.
  15. Bushwacker

    My first Giant Scale Airframe EF 94" MXS-EXP

    Im still fair bit away from that, but can be done. Motor and servos are next and as you know isn't cheap. Got to save up again. Having the airframe here first helps me to stay on track to save my moola.
  16. Bushwacker

    Tomcat G100cc Motor

    Hey guys, Has anyone used this motor...Tomcat G100cc if so how do you like it and can you compare it to anything else for performance?
  17. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    I would pay admission to watch that beautiful plane fly.