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Search results

  1. Bushwacker

    61" Extra 330 LT

    Oh well it's decided then...I'll go with setup #1... hahaha Just kidding bud. Good to know though.
  2. Bushwacker

    61" Extra 330 LT

    Alright fellas, So I pulled the trigger and bought this little bad boy. Just showed up at my door. SupaTim thanks for such speedy turnaround brother. Going to be awesome. I have two setups planned for this bird and the reason for two is because Im not sure if the first one will be the best...
  3. Bushwacker

    Xpress does a BANSHEE build...

    Tell me about man. I need to clean up my own desktop. Got icons for days....:megaroll: So are you going to keep the graphics completely stock or get some custom stuff? Ive been curious to see if someone can come up with something that will work with that airframe. Really it looks great by...
  4. Bushwacker

    Xpress does a BANSHEE build...

    LMAO :grrreat: Are you sure its not more for Bragging and trying to making us jealous??? You could of just kept a list on your desktop like the rest of us do. Actually it's pretty clever... so others can use as a guide... I think you just showing off. Now don't take what I said the wrong way...
  5. Bushwacker

    Xpress does a BANSHEE build...

    Hey man you should run some Savox servos on there. J/K Would be nice if you took it out of the box and spread it out for us though....
  6. Bushwacker

    New Shipment Soon

    Looks like a new shipment will be coming in about two weeks so long as nothing happens.
  7. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    So lately I have been thinking about doing the jet thing to get my speed freak thing on. What I wound up going with is the JTM 90mm Viper instead of the little Habu 32x DF I originally considered. Going to be a bit spendy, but not any more than a large scale Extra or Edge or something like that...
  8. Bushwacker

    Problem starting new DLE111

    Very cool...How much more weight does it add.
  9. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Looks like a great field to fly man. Can you post up a few more pics of it so we... well I... can see a bit more of it.
  10. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    @Express where is that field?
  11. Bushwacker

    Spektrum DX-8, DX-9, DX-18....

    That's good to know bro.. Thanks!!!
  12. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Oh man that bad!!! Too Funny Dude.:thumbup:
  13. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    So what did it look like before?
  14. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Well here we sit at the movie house waiting for Star Wars 3D to start. Oh man it filled up in like 5 minutes,
  15. Bushwacker

    48" and 78" Extra 300

    Haven't heard of anyone doing it. Will it fit? The 78 is more of a 30cc airframe I think.
  16. Bushwacker

    New Build Help

    Good info Xpress thanks much bud. Your spot on about the weight. This is a tricky thing finding that sweet spot between weight and the kind of speed Im looking for. I have been talking quite a lot with Ken about an upcoming motor he's working on. He said it's ok to talk about now, so I will. I...
  17. Bushwacker

    The 2015 Aerobeez Christmas Season is Here!

    @Aerobeez when did they sell out bud? Guess you'll have to make me a deal on something different eh...
  18. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Totally agree with you man. It is what it is and I will continue to do what I do for as long as I can. Doesn't mean I have to like it though. :) And I'll probably rant about it again some other time :cursing: We used to call him Ronald RayGun :peace: BooYa Baby... That boy wasn't afraid to lay...
  19. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Thats what I thought. I don't know man I just don't see any good come out of the FED's getting involved with our Hobby. All I see is them messing **** up and the real kicker is we the people are going to pay them to do it. We are going to pay $5 per person to have some retards that know nothing...