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Search results

  1. njswede

    3D HobbyShop 58" Edge 540 repair log

    My 3DHS 58" Edge ate some dirt today. I had a catastrophic power system failure (investigation pending) while I was harriering some 6' off the ground. I had no air speed and almost no altitude, so I had no chance to fly it out and land it. Instead, I just held full up elevator and attempted to...
  2. njswede

    Impressions from Weak Signals at Toledo

    "You drove 550 miles? Are you crazy?!" I think it was Joe Smith who asked me that. And yes, a 1000+ miles round trip is definitely not for the faint of heart, but several back-issues of ATTF and RadioLab through the speakers certainly helped. I have to admit that I'm still a bit tired, though...
  3. njswede

    Toledo / Weak Signals Show - Pre/post show chatter

    It looks like I'm going to this event. Anyone else from the gang who's going? Anyone in the NY/NJ/PA area who'd like a ride?
  4. njswede

    Spektrum DX8

    I'm going to buy a Spektrum DX8, but before I pull the trigger on a new one I figured I should check if anyone has a used one. Anyone changing radio vendors? I prefer a DX8/AR8000/TM1100 combo.
  5. njswede

    Inverted Delta

    Here's something I've always wondered about. Maybe someone here knows the answer: Why do aerobatic monoplanes in general and the Edge in particular have inverted delta wings with a fairly straight leading edge that's usually perpendicular to the fuse? What's the aerodynamic reason for this...
  6. njswede

    Official Review of the TwisedHobbys Mini Crack Yak

    Introduction The Mini Crack Yak is the latest addition to the TwistedHobbys "Crack Series". Considerably smaller than its siblings, measuring in at a mere 24" wing span, the Mini Crack Yak is primarily geared towards indoor flying and flying in small spaces. And while it may look like a toy to...
  7. njswede

    Leopard Hobbies 5055 720kv

    I just received one of these motors from Altitude Hobbies. First impressions are very good and I have to say the packaging and design looks ...uhm... sexy. I'm planning on pulling it apart to see how it's built before I stick it in my 3DHS Edge 58". We'll post a official review once we've had...
  8. njswede

    What's in a name?

    OK, this one made me chuckle, but Gyro tells me I have a weird sense of humor. Anyway, I don't think this Taiwanese maker of knock-off receivers was awake during the class on American idioms: http://www.lemon-rx.com/shop/ Would you put a lemon receiver in your plane? :tongue:
  9. njswede

    Happy Birthday, Gyro!

    :grrreat::grrreat::grrreat::grrreat::grrreat::grrreat::grrreat::grrreat: I heard from a very reliable source that it's Gyro's birthday today! Happy birthday, Gyro and thanks for what you're doing for the hobby and the community! :pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom:
  10. njswede

    Article: Pilot-RC Yak 54 19% (53")

    Pilot-RC Yak 54 19% (53") Introduction For this review, we thought we should try something a little bit different. After having browsed through the usual models from our favorite vendors, we decided to pick something a bit outside of the mainstream. Giant scale pilots are all familiar with...
  11. njswede

    Props needed

    Xoar 15x7 Electric Xoar 14x6 Electric
  12. njswede

    Assorted props

    Available: Xoar 15x7 Gas (2 props, NIB. Mis-click) Xoar 14x6 Gas (1 prop, NIB. Mis-click) APC 14x7 Gas (1 prop, NIB. Mis-click)
  13. njswede

    Pilot Yak 19% (53")

    From manufacturer: Pilot RC 19% 53" YAK 54 Carbon Fiber ARF (Almost-Ready-to-Fly) Electric Airplane Unquestionably, Pilot RC manufactures the finest Balsa Planes in the world. No corners were cut when creating this electric version. Also included in the kit are parts that allow micro...
  14. njswede

    Cool Look what the UPS guy brought! Care to guess what it is?

    The winner gets my everlasting respect and admiration! :)
  15. njswede

    Rolling circle

    I'm trying to figure out how to do rolling circles. My problem is this: Once I get the rhythm locked in, my elevator and rudder movements seem to accelerate the roll and even if I reduce my aileron input to almost nothing, the roll often accelerates out of control before I can complete the...
  16. njswede

    The Pop Top

    Description of the maneuver A Pop Top is closely related to a blender, but is performed in an up-line rather than a dive. It's essentially a vertical snap roll, followed by one or more turns of flat spin. Although the Pop Top is a manuever simple enough that a beginner can perform it after...
  17. njswede

    The Blender

    Description of the maneuver The Blender is a relatively simple maneuver that can add a tremendous amount of excitement to a routine if performed right. A blender is performed by putting the plane in a vertical dive, applying aileron to induce a fast roll, then adding opposite rudder to create...
  18. njswede

    The Wall

    Description of the maneuver A wall is simply a sharp transition from upright flight to a vertical up-line. It is almost always used as a transition into another maneuver, e.g. a The Hover Level of difficulty Very Easy Performing the Maneuver A wall is typically entered from straight...
  19. njswede

    The Elevator

    Description of the maneuver An Elevator simply means that the plane is put in a straight and level attitude without any forward speed and allowed to slowly lose altitude. The Elevator is arguably one of the easiest 3D manuevuers to perform. However, it is an important one, since it introduces...
  20. njswede

    The Knife Edge

    Description Flying knife-edge (often abbreviated KE) means flying the plane with the wings in a vertical orientation. The wings do not generate any lift in the configuration, so the fuselage acts as a lifting surface. Generous amounts of rudder are usually needed to keep the plane from losing...